Table Editor
Bootstrap table editable plugin
Note: This documentation is for an older version of Bootstrap (v.4). A
newer version is available for Bootstrap 5. We recommend migrating to the latest version of our product - Material Design for
Bootstrap 5.
Go to docs v.5
To start working with the Table Editor, see the "Getting Started" tab on this page.
You can use four different types of editor:
How editors work
Editors work if you have a wrapper with class wrapper-editor
for each table and a
specific class to buttons. The modal editor needs a modal to correctly run.
Initiate function with default options.
headerLength: 6,
evenTextColor: '#000',
oddTextColor: '#000',
bgEvenColor: '',
bgOddColor: '',
thText: '',
thBg: '',
modalEditor: false,
bubbleEditor: false,
contentEditor: false,
rowEditor: false
Editor with modal
This version of the Editor allows you to add, edit and remove rows by using a modal.
Select a row and click the "Edit" button if you want to make changes in the given row. "Delete" button works the same way.
How modal editor works
See the documentation about modals.
The modal editor will work correctly if you have a wrapper with class wrapper-editor
for each table.
To initialise the display of modals during click you have to have a form with a wrapper with class modalWrapper
A modal editor has three modals and each modal has its own id
and data-*
and aria-*
Every modal needs its own classes to work correctly with a plugin. Everything that you need is in a code below.
0 row selected
Name | Position | Office | Age | Start date | Salary |
Tiger Nixon | System Architect | Edinburgh | 61 | 2011/04/25 | $320,800 |
Garrett Winters | Accountant | Tokyo | 63 | 2011/07/25 | $170,750 |
Ashton Cox | Junior Technical Author | San Francisco | 66 | 2009/01/12 | $86,000 |
Cedric Kelly | Senior Javascript Developer | Edinburgh | 22 | 2012/03/29 | $433,060 |
Airi Satou | Accountant | Tokyo | 33 | 2008/11/28 | $162,700 |
Brielle Williamson | Integration Specialist | New York | 61 | 2012/12/02 | $372,000 |
Herrod Chandler | Sales Assistant | San Francisco | 59 | 2012/08/06 | $137,500 |
Rhona Davidson | Integration Specialist | Tokyo | 55 | 2010/10/14 | $327,900 |
Colleen Hurst | Javascript Developer | San Francisco | 39 | 2009/09/15 | $205,500 |
Sonya Frost | Software Engineer | Edinburgh | 23 | 2008/12/13 | $103,600 |
Jena Gaines | Office Manager | London | 30 | 2008/12/19 | $90,560 |
Quinn Flynn | Support Lead | Edinburgh | 22 | 2013/03/03 | $342,000 |
Charde Marshall | Regional Director | San Francisco | 36 | 2008/10/16 | $470,600 |
Haley Kennedy | Senior Marketing Designer | London | 43 | 2012/12/18 | $313,500 |
Tatyana Fitzpatrick | Regional Director | London | 19 | 2010/03/17 | $385,750 |
Michael Silva | Marketing Designer | London | 66 | 2012/11/27 | $198,500 |
Paul Byrd | Chief Financial Officer (CFO) | New York | 64 | 2010/06/09 | $725,000 |
Gloria Little | Systems Administrator | New York | 59 | 2009/04/10 | $237,500 |
Bradley Greer | Software Engineer | London | 41 | 2012/10/13 | $132,000 |
Dai Rios | Personnel Lead | Edinburgh | 35 | 2012/09/26 | $217,500 |
Jenette Caldwell | Development Lead | New York | 30 | 2011/09/03 | $345,000 |
Yuri Berry | Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) | New York | 40 | 2009/06/25 | $675,000 |
Caesar Vance | Pre-Sales Support | New York | 21 | 2011/12/12 | $106,450 |
Doris Wilder | Sales Assistant | Sidney | 23 | 2010/09/20 | $85,600 |
Angelica Ramos | Chief Executive Officer (CEO) | London | 47 | 2009/10/09 | $1,200,000 |
Gavin Joyce | Developer | Edinburgh | 42 | 2010/12/22 | $92,575 |
Jennifer Chang | Regional Director | Singapore | 28 | 2010/11/14 | $357,650 |
Brenden Wagner | Software Engineer | San Francisco | 28 | 2011/06/07 | $206,850 |
Fiona Green | Chief Operating Officer (COO) | San Francisco | 48 | 2010/03/11 | $850,000 |
Shou Itou | Regional Marketing | Tokyo | 20 | 2011/08/14 | $163,000 |
Michelle House | Integration Specialist | Sidney | 37 | 2011/06/02 | $95,400 |
Suki Burks | Developer | London | 53 | 2009/10/22 | $114,500 |
Prescott Bartlett | Technical Author | London | 27 | 2011/05/07 | $145,000 |
Gavin Cortez | Team Leader | San Francisco | 22 | 2008/10/26 | $235,500 |
Martena Mccray | Post-Sales support | Edinburgh | 46 | 2011/03/09 | $324,050 |
Unity Butler | Marketing Designer | San Francisco | 47 | 2009/12/09 | $85,675 |
Howard Hatfield | Office Manager | San Francisco | 51 | 2008/12/16 | $164,500 |
Hope Fuentes | Secretary | San Francisco | 41 | 2010/02/12 | $109,850 |
Vivian Harrell | Financial Controller | San Francisco | 62 | 2009/02/14 | $452,500 |
Timothy Mooney | Office Manager | London | 37 | 2008/12/11 | $136,200 |
Jackson Bradshaw | Director | New York | 65 | 2008/09/26 | $645,750 |
Olivia Liang | Support Engineer | Singapore | 64 | 2011/02/03 | $234,500 |
Bruno Nash | Software Engineer | London | 38 | 2011/05/03 | $163,500 |
Sakura Yamamoto | Support Engineer | Tokyo | 37 | 2009/08/19 | $139,575 |
Thor Walton | Developer | New York | 61 | 2013/08/11 | $98,540 |
Finn Camacho | Support Engineer | San Francisco | 47 | 2009/07/07 | $87,500 |
Serge Baldwin | Data Coordinator | Singapore | 64 | 2012/04/09 | $138,575 |
Zenaida Frank | Software Engineer | New York | 63 | 2010/01/04 | $125,250 |
Zorita Serrano | Software Engineer | San Francisco | 56 | 2012/06/01 | $115,000 |
Jennifer Acosta | Junior Javascript Developer | Edinburgh | 43 | 2013/02/01 | $75,650 |
Cara Stevens | Sales Assistant | New York | 46 | 2011/12/06 | $145,600 |
Hermione Butler | Regional Director | London | 47 | 2011/03/21 | $356,250 |
Lael Greer | Systems Administrator | London | 21 | 2009/02/27 | $103,500 |
Jonas Alexander | Developer | San Francisco | 30 | 2010/07/14 | $86,500 |
Shad Decker | Regional Director | Edinburgh | 51 | 2008/11/13 | $183,000 |
Michael Bruce | Javascript Developer | Singapore | 29 | 2011/06/27 | $183,000 |
Donna Snider | Customer Support | New York | 27 | 2011/01/25 | $112,000 |
Name | Position | Office | Age | Start date | Salary |
<div class="wrapper-editor">
<div class="block my-4">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
<p class="h5 text-primary createShowP">0 row selected</p>
<div class="row d-flex justify-content-center modalWrapper">
<div class="modal fade addNewInputs" id="modalAdd" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="modalAdd"
<div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header text-center">
<h4 class="modal-title w-100 font-weight-bold text-primary ml-5">Add new form</h4>
<button type="button" class="close text-primary" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
<div class="modal-body mx-3">
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="inputName" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="inputName">Name</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="inputPosition" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="inputPosition">Position</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="inputOfficeInput" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="inputOfficeInput">Office</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="inputAge" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="inputAge">Age</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="date" id="inputDate" class="form-control" placeholder="Select Date">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="inputDate"></label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="inputSalary" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="inputSalary">Salary</label>
<div class="modal-footer d-flex justify-content-center buttonAddFormWrapper">
<button class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-block buttonAdd" data-dismiss="modal">Add form
<i class="fas fa-paper-plane-o ml-1"></i>
<div class="text-center">
<a href="" class="btn btn-info btn-rounded btn-sm" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modalAdd">Add<i
class="fas fa-plus-square ml-1"></i></a>
<div class="modal fade modalEditClass" id="modalEdit" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header text-center">
<h4 class="modal-title w-100 font-weight-bold text-secondary ml-5">Edit form</h4>
<button type="button" class="close text-secondary" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
<div class="modal-body mx-3">
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="formNameEdit" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="formNameEdit">Name</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="formPositionEdit" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="formPositionEdit">Position</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="formOfficeEdit" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="formOfficeEdit">Office</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="formAgeEdit" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="formAgeEdit">Age</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="formDateEdit" class="form-control datepicker">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="formDateEdit">Date</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="formSalaryEdit" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="formSalaryEdit">Salary</label>
<div class="modal-footer d-flex justify-content-center editInsideWrapper">
<button class="btn btn-outline-secondary btn-block editInside" data-dismiss="modal">Edit
<i class="fas fa-paper-plane-o ml-1"></i>
<div class="text-center buttonEditWrapper">
<button class="btn btn-info btn-rounded btn-sm buttonEdit" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modalEdit"
disabled>Edit<i class="fas fa-pencil-square-o ml-1"></i></a>
<div class="modal fade" id="modalDelete" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="modalDelete"
<div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header text-center">
<h4 class="modal-title w-100 font-weight-bold ml-5 text-danger">Delete</h4>
<button type="button" class="close text-danger" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
<div class="modal-body mx-3">
<p class="text-center h4">Are you sure to delete selected row?</p>
<div class="modal-footer d-flex justify-content-center deleteButtonsWrapper">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btnYesClass" id="btnYes" data-dismiss="modal">Yes</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btnNoClass" id="btnNo" data-dismiss="modal">No</button>
<div class="text-center">
<button class="btn btn-danger btn-sm btn-rounded buttonDelete" data-toggle="modal" disabled data-target="#modalDelete"
disabled>Delete<i class="fas fa-times ml-1"></i></a>
<table id="dtBasicExample" class="table table-striped table-bordered" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<th class="th-sm">Name
<th class="th-sm">Position
<th class="th-sm">Office
<th class="th-sm">Age
<th class="th-sm">Start date
<th class="th-sm">Salary
<td>Tiger Nixon</td>
<td>System Architect</td>
<td>Garrett Winters</td>
<td>Ashton Cox</td>
<td>Junior Technical Author</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Cedric Kelly</td>
<td>Senior Javascript Developer</td>
<td>Airi Satou</td>
<td>Brielle Williamson</td>
<td>Integration Specialist</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Herrod Chandler</td>
<td>Sales Assistant</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Rhona Davidson</td>
<td>Integration Specialist</td>
<td>Colleen Hurst</td>
<td>Javascript Developer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Sonya Frost</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>Jena Gaines</td>
<td>Office Manager</td>
<td>Quinn Flynn</td>
<td>Support Lead</td>
<td>Charde Marshall</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Haley Kennedy</td>
<td>Senior Marketing Designer</td>
<td>Tatyana Fitzpatrick</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Michael Silva</td>
<td>Marketing Designer</td>
<td>Paul Byrd</td>
<td>Chief Financial Officer (CFO)</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Gloria Little</td>
<td>Systems Administrator</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Bradley Greer</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>Dai Rios</td>
<td>Personnel Lead</td>
<td>Jenette Caldwell</td>
<td>Development Lead</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Yuri Berry</td>
<td>Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Caesar Vance</td>
<td>Pre-Sales Support</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Doris Wilder</td>
<td>Sales Assistant</td>
<td>Angelica Ramos</td>
<td>Chief Executive Officer (CEO)</td>
<td>Gavin Joyce</td>
<td>Jennifer Chang</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Brenden Wagner</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Fiona Green</td>
<td>Chief Operating Officer (COO)</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Shou Itou</td>
<td>Regional Marketing</td>
<td>Michelle House</td>
<td>Integration Specialist</td>
<td>Suki Burks</td>
<td>Prescott Bartlett</td>
<td>Technical Author</td>
<td>Gavin Cortez</td>
<td>Team Leader</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Martena Mccray</td>
<td>Post-Sales support</td>
<td>Unity Butler</td>
<td>Marketing Designer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Howard Hatfield</td>
<td>Office Manager</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Hope Fuentes</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Vivian Harrell</td>
<td>Financial Controller</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Timothy Mooney</td>
<td>Office Manager</td>
<td>Jackson Bradshaw</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Olivia Liang</td>
<td>Support Engineer</td>
<td>Bruno Nash</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>Sakura Yamamoto</td>
<td>Support Engineer</td>
<td>Thor Walton</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Finn Camacho</td>
<td>Support Engineer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Serge Baldwin</td>
<td>Data Coordinator</td>
<td>Zenaida Frank</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Zorita Serrano</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Jennifer Acosta</td>
<td>Junior Javascript Developer</td>
<td>Cara Stevens</td>
<td>Sales Assistant</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Hermione Butler</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Lael Greer</td>
<td>Systems Administrator</td>
<td>Jonas Alexander</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Shad Decker</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Michael Bruce</td>
<td>Javascript Developer</td>
<td>Donna Snider</td>
<td>Customer Support</td>
<td>New York</td>
<th>Start date
mdbEditor: true
Row Editor
This version of the Editor allows you to add, edit and remove rows by activating an editiing mode.
All operations are carried out directly on a row.
How the row editor works
The row editor is working correctly if you have a wrapper with the class wrapper-editor
for each table.
Also you need to have an empty div with classes closeByClick
and d-none
To initiate the display of a form you during a click you need a form with a wrapper with classes showForm
and d-none
and corect styles.
To initialise you have to have a wrapper with class button-wrapper
for buttons with properly classes for
each button like:
Everything that you need is in the code below the table.
Name | Position | Office | Age | Start date | Salary |
Tiger Nixon | System Architect | Edinburgh | 61 | 2011/04/25 | $320,800 |
Garrett Winters | Accountant | Tokyo | 63 | 2011/07/25 | $170,750 |
Ashton Cox | Junior Technical Author | San Francisco | 66 | 2009/01/12 | $86,000 |
Cedric Kelly | Senior Javascript Developer | Edinburgh | 22 | 2012/03/29 | $433,060 |
Airi Satou | Accountant | Tokyo | 33 | 2008/11/28 | $162,700 |
Brielle Williamson | Integration Specialist | New York | 61 | 2012/12/02 | $372,000 |
Herrod Chandler | Sales Assistant | San Francisco | 59 | 2012/08/06 | $137,500 |
Rhona Davidson | Integration Specialist | Tokyo | 55 | 2010/10/14 | $327,900 |
Colleen Hurst | Javascript Developer | San Francisco | 39 | 2009/09/15 | $205,500 |
Sonya Frost | Software Engineer | Edinburgh | 23 | 2008/12/13 | $103,600 |
Jena Gaines | Office Manager | London | 30 | 2008/12/19 | $90,560 |
Quinn Flynn | Support Lead | Edinburgh | 22 | 2013/03/03 | $342,000 |
Charde Marshall | Regional Director | San Francisco | 36 | 2008/10/16 | $470,600 |
Haley Kennedy | Senior Marketing Designer | London | 43 | 2012/12/18 | $313,500 |
Tatyana Fitzpatrick | Regional Director | London | 19 | 2010/03/17 | $385,750 |
Michael Silva | Marketing Designer | London | 66 | 2012/11/27 | $198,500 |
Paul Byrd | Chief Financial Officer (CFO) | New York | 64 | 2010/06/09 | $725,000 |
Gloria Little | Systems Administrator | New York | 59 | 2009/04/10 | $237,500 |
Bradley Greer | Software Engineer | London | 41 | 2012/10/13 | $132,000 |
Dai Rios | Personnel Lead | Edinburgh | 35 | 2012/09/26 | $217,500 |
Jenette Caldwell | Development Lead | New York | 30 | 2011/09/03 | $345,000 |
Yuri Berry | Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) | New York | 40 | 2009/06/25 | $675,000 |
Caesar Vance | Pre-Sales Support | New York | 21 | 2011/12/12 | $106,450 |
Doris Wilder | Sales Assistant | Sidney | 23 | 2010/09/20 | $85,600 |
Angelica Ramos | Chief Executive Officer (CEO) | London | 47 | 2009/10/09 | $1,200,000 |
Gavin Joyce | Developer | Edinburgh | 42 | 2010/12/22 | $92,575 |
Jennifer Chang | Regional Director | Singapore | 28 | 2010/11/14 | $357,650 |
Brenden Wagner | Software Engineer | San Francisco | 28 | 2011/06/07 | $206,850 |
Fiona Green | Chief Operating Officer (COO) | San Francisco | 48 | 2010/03/11 | $850,000 |
Shou Itou | Regional Marketing | Tokyo | 20 | 2011/08/14 | $163,000 |
Michelle House | Integration Specialist | Sidney | 37 | 2011/06/02 | $95,400 |
Suki Burks | Developer | London | 53 | 2009/10/22 | $114,500 |
Prescott Bartlett | Technical Author | London | 27 | 2011/05/07 | $145,000 |
Gavin Cortez | Team Leader | San Francisco | 22 | 2008/10/26 | $235,500 |
Martena Mccray | Post-Sales support | Edinburgh | 46 | 2011/03/09 | $324,050 |
Unity Butler | Marketing Designer | San Francisco | 47 | 2009/12/09 | $85,675 |
Howard Hatfield | Office Manager | San Francisco | 51 | 2008/12/16 | $164,500 |
Hope Fuentes | Secretary | San Francisco | 41 | 2010/02/12 | $109,850 |
Vivian Harrell | Financial Controller | San Francisco | 62 | 2009/02/14 | $452,500 |
Timothy Mooney | Office Manager | London | 37 | 2008/12/11 | $136,200 |
Jackson Bradshaw | Director | New York | 65 | 2008/09/26 | $645,750 |
Olivia Liang | Support Engineer | Singapore | 64 | 2011/02/03 | $234,500 |
Bruno Nash | Software Engineer | London | 38 | 2011/05/03 | $163,500 |
Sakura Yamamoto | Support Engineer | Tokyo | 37 | 2009/08/19 | $139,575 |
Thor Walton | Developer | New York | 61 | 2013/08/11 | $98,540 |
Finn Camacho | Support Engineer | San Francisco | 47 | 2009/07/07 | $87,500 |
Serge Baldwin | Data Coordinator | Singapore | 64 | 2012/04/09 | $138,575 |
Zenaida Frank | Software Engineer | New York | 63 | 2010/01/04 | $125,250 |
Zorita Serrano | Software Engineer | San Francisco | 56 | 2012/06/01 | $115,000 |
Jennifer Acosta | Junior Javascript Developer | Edinburgh | 43 | 2013/02/01 | $75,650 |
Cara Stevens | Sales Assistant | New York | 46 | 2011/12/06 | $145,600 |
Hermione Butler | Regional Director | London | 47 | 2011/03/21 | $356,250 |
Lael Greer | Systems Administrator | London | 21 | 2009/02/27 | $103,500 |
Jonas Alexander | Developer | San Francisco | 30 | 2010/07/14 | $86,500 |
Shad Decker | Regional Director | Edinburgh | 51 | 2008/11/13 | $183,000 |
Michael Bruce | Javascript Developer | Singapore | 29 | 2011/06/27 | $183,000 |
Donna Snider | Customer Support | New York | 27 | 2011/01/25 | $112,000 |
Name | Position | Office | Age | Start date | Salary |
<div class="wrapper-editor">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center buttons-wrapper">
<button id="" class="btn btn-sm btn-teal btn-rounded addNewColumn">Activate edits</button>
<button id="" class="btn btn-sm btn-mdb-color btn-rounded removeColumns" disabled>Deactivate edits</button>
<button id="" class="btn btn-sm btn-info btn-rounded addNewRows">Add new rows</button>
<div class="closeByClick d-none"></div>
<div class="showForm d-none" style="position: fixed; top: 20%; left:50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); z-index: 1100;">
<form class="text-center border border-light p-5" style="background: white;">
<button type="button" class="close position-relative button-x" style="top:-12%; right: -5%">
<span aria-hidden="true" class="text-danger">×</span>
<h3 class="h3 my-3 text-danger font-weight-bold">Delete</h3>
<hr class="mt-2 mb-3">
<p class="text-center h5 py-2 pb-3">Are you sure to delete selected rows?</p>
<hr class="mt-2 mb-3">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center buttonYesNoWrapper">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btnYes btn-sm">Yes</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btnNo btn-sm">No</button>
<table id="dtBasicExample-1" class="table table-striped table-bordered" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<th class="th-sm">Name
<th class="th-sm">Position
<th class="th-sm">Office
<th class="th-sm">Age
<th class="th-sm">Start date
<th class="th-sm">Salary
<td>Tiger Nixon</td>
<td>System Architect</td>
<td>Garrett Winters</td>
<td>Ashton Cox</td>
<td>Junior Technical Author</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Cedric Kelly</td>
<td>Senior Javascript Developer</td>
<td>Airi Satou</td>
<td>Brielle Williamson</td>
<td>Integration Specialist</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Herrod Chandler</td>
<td>Sales Assistant</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Rhona Davidson</td>
<td>Integration Specialist</td>
<td>Colleen Hurst</td>
<td>Javascript Developer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Sonya Frost</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>Jena Gaines</td>
<td>Office Manager</td>
<td>Quinn Flynn</td>
<td>Support Lead</td>
<td>Charde Marshall</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Haley Kennedy</td>
<td>Senior Marketing Designer</td>
<td>Tatyana Fitzpatrick</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Michael Silva</td>
<td>Marketing Designer</td>
<td>Paul Byrd</td>
<td>Chief Financial Officer (CFO)</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Gloria Little</td>
<td>Systems Administrator</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Bradley Greer</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>Dai Rios</td>
<td>Personnel Lead</td>
<td>Jenette Caldwell</td>
<td>Development Lead</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Yuri Berry</td>
<td>Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Caesar Vance</td>
<td>Pre-Sales Support</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Doris Wilder</td>
<td>Sales Assistant</td>
<td>Angelica Ramos</td>
<td>Chief Executive Officer (CEO)</td>
<td>Gavin Joyce</td>
<td>Jennifer Chang</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Brenden Wagner</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Fiona Green</td>
<td>Chief Operating Officer (COO)</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Shou Itou</td>
<td>Regional Marketing</td>
<td>Michelle House</td>
<td>Integration Specialist</td>
<td>Suki Burks</td>
<td>Prescott Bartlett</td>
<td>Technical Author</td>
<td>Gavin Cortez</td>
<td>Team Leader</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Martena Mccray</td>
<td>Post-Sales support</td>
<td>Unity Butler</td>
<td>Marketing Designer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Howard Hatfield</td>
<td>Office Manager</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Hope Fuentes</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Vivian Harrell</td>
<td>Financial Controller</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Timothy Mooney</td>
<td>Office Manager</td>
<td>Jackson Bradshaw</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Olivia Liang</td>
<td>Support Engineer</td>
<td>Bruno Nash</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>Sakura Yamamoto</td>
<td>Support Engineer</td>
<td>Thor Walton</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Finn Camacho</td>
<td>Support Engineer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Serge Baldwin</td>
<td>Data Coordinator</td>
<td>Zenaida Frank</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Zorita Serrano</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Jennifer Acosta</td>
<td>Junior Javascript Developer</td>
<td>Cara Stevens</td>
<td>Sales Assistant</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Hermione Butler</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Lael Greer</td>
<td>Systems Administrator</td>
<td>Jonas Alexander</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Shad Decker</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Michael Bruce</td>
<td>Javascript Developer</td>
<td>Donna Snider</td>
<td>Customer Support</td>
<td>New York</td>
<th>Start date
rowEditor: true
Content Editor
The content editor has a special feature that when you click on each piece of table data it becomes editable.
This example shows how to use content editor. It's very easy to use. You have three buttons and each buttons has its own function.
The first button activates the editor and if you have an active input in some table data, after a click that button with an active id will be disabled until you click it again or when you use a sorting option.
The second button adds new table row on the first DataTable page (always). If you have an inactive editor, a new table row will be disabled.
The third button removes first table row on the first DataTable page (always) after a click or if you have selected some table data with an input field, that button will remove the selected table data with the whole table row.
Name | Position | Office | Extn. | Start date | Salary |
Name | Position | Office | Extn. | Start date | Salary |
<div class="wrapper-editor">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center buttons-wrapper my-3">
<button class="btn btn-rounded text-white blue darken-3 btn-sm add-content-edit" type="button"><i class="fas fa-toggle-off"></i></button>
<button class=" btn btn-rounded text-white purple
lighten-2 btn-sm add-new-row"
<i class="fas fa-plus"></i></button>
<button class="btn btn-rounded text-white red btn-sm remove-first-tr" type="button"> <i class="fas fa-eraser"></i></button>
<table id="contentEx" class="table table-striped display" cellspacing=" 0" width="100%">
<th>Start date</th>
<th>Start date</th>
let dataSet = [
["Tiger Nixon", "System Architect", "Edinburgh", "5421", "2011-04-25", "$320,800"],
["Garrett Winters", "Accountant", "Tokyo", "8422", "2011-07-25", "$170,750"],
["Ashton Third Cox", "Junior Technical Author", "San Francisco", "1562", "2009-01-12", "$86,000"],
["Cedric Kelly", "Senior Javascript Developer", "Edinburgh", "6224", "2012-03-29", "$433,060"],
["Airi", "Accountant", "Tokyo", "5407", "2008-11-28", "$162,700"],
["Brielle Williamson Need More Space To Check It", "Integration Specialist", "New York", "4804", "2012-12-02",
["Herrod Chandler", "Sales Assistant", "San Francisco", "9608", "2012-08-06", "$137,500"],
["Rhona Davidson", "Integration Specialist", "Tokyo", "6200", "2010-10-14", "$327,900"],
["Colleen Hurst", "Javascript Developer", "San Francisco", "2360", "2009-09-15", "$205,500"],
["Sonya Frost", "Software Engineer", "Edinburgh", "1667", "2008-12-13", "$103,600"],
["Jena Gaines", "Office Manager", "London", "3814", "2008-12-19", "$90,560"],
["Quinn Flynn", "Support Lead", "Edinburgh", "9497", "2013-03-03", "$342,000"],
["Charde Marshall", "Regional Director", "San Francisco", "6741", "2008-10-16", "$470,600"],
["Haley Kennedy", "Senior Marketing Designer", "London", "3597", "2012-12-18", "$313,500"],
["Tatyana Fitzpatrick", "Regional Director", "London", "1965", "2010-03-17", "$385,750"],
["Michael Silva", "Marketing Designer", "London", "1581", "2012-11-27", "$198,500"],
["Paul Byrd", "Chief Financial Officer (CFO)", "New York", "3059", "2010-06-09", "$725,000"],
["Gloria Little", "Systems Administrator", "New York", "1721", "2009-04-10", "$237,500"],
["Bradley Fourth Fourth Greer", "Software Engineer", "London", "2558", "2012-10-13", "$132,000"],
["Dai Rios", "Personnel Lead", "Edinburgh", "2290", "2012-09-26", "$217,500"],
["Jenette Caldwell", "Development Lead", "New York", "1937", "2011-09-03", "$345,000"],
["Yuri Berry", "Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)", "New York", "6154", "2009-06-25", "$675,000"],
["Caesar Vance", "Pre-Sales Support", "New York", "8330", "2011-12-12", "$106,450"],
["Doris Wilder", "Sales Assistant", "Sidney", "3023", "2010-09-20", "$85,600"],
["Angelica Ramos", "Chief Executive Officer (CEO)", "London", "5797", "2009-10-09", "$1,200,000"],
["Gavin Joyce", "Developer", "Edinburgh", "8822", "2010-12-22", "$92,575"],
["Jennifer Chang", "Regional Director", "Singapore", "9239", "2010-11-14", "$357,650"],
["Brenden Fifth Example Some Wagner", "Software Engineer", "San Francisco", "1314", "2011-06-07", "$206,850"],
["Fiona Green", "Chief Operating Officer (COO)", "San Francisco", "2947", "2010-03-11", "$850,000"],
["Shou Itou", "Regional Marketing", "Tokyo", "8899", "2011-08-14", "$163,000"],
["Michelle House", "Integration Specialist", "Sidney", "2769", "2011-06-02", "$95,400"],
["Suki Burks", "Developer", "London", "6832", "2009-10-22", "$114,500"],
["Prescott Bartlett", "Technical Author", "London", "3606", "2011-05-07", "$145,000"],
["Gavin Cortez", "Team Leader", "San Francisco", "2860", "2008-10-26", "$235,500"],
["Martena Mccray", "Post-Sales support", "Edinburgh", "8240", "2011-03-09", "$324,050"],
["Unity Butler", "Marketing Designer", "San Francisco", "5384", "2009-12-09", "$85,675"]
$(document).ready(function () {
data: dataSet,
columns: [{
title: "Name"
title: "Position"
title: "Office"
title: "Extn."
title: "Start date"
title: "Salary"
contentEditor: true
Bubble Editor
This example shows how use content bubble editor. It's very easy to use. You have three buttons and each button have its own functions.
The first button activates the editor.
The second button adds a new table row to the first DataTable page (always). If you have an inactive editor, a new table row will be disabled.
The third button remove the first table row on the first DataTable page (always) after a click or when you will have selected some table data with an input field.
Name | Position | Office | Extn. | Start date | Salary |
Name | Position | Office | Extn. | Start date | Salary |
<div class="wrapper-editor">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center buttons-wrapper my-3">
<button class="btn btn-rounded text-white blue darken-3 btn-sm add-bubble-edit" type="button" disabled><i
class="fas fa-toggle-off" disabled></i></button>
<button class=" btn btn-rounded text-white purple
lighten-2 btn-sm addNewRow" type="button"
<i class="fas fa-plus" disabled></i></button>
<button class="btn btn-rounded text-white red btn-sm removeFirstTr" type="button" disabled><i class="fas fa-eraser"
<table id="bubbleEx" class="table table-striped display" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<th>Start date</th>
<th>Start date</th>
let dataSet = [
["Tiger Nixon", "System Architect", "Edinburgh", "5421", "2011-04-25", "$320,800"],
["Garrett Winters", "Accountant", "Tokyo", "8422", "2011-07-25", "$170,750"],
["Ashton Third Cox", "Junior Technical Author", "San Francisco", "1562", "2009-01-12", "$86,000"],
["Cedric Kelly", "Senior Javascript Developer", "Edinburgh", "6224", "2012-03-29", "$433,060"],
["Airi", "Accountant", "Tokyo", "5407", "2008-11-28", "$162,700"],
["Brielle Williamson Need More Space To Check It", "Integration Specialist", "New York", "4804", "2012-12-02",
["Herrod Chandler", "Sales Assistant", "San Francisco", "9608", "2012-08-06", "$137,500"],
["Rhona Davidson", "Integration Specialist", "Tokyo", "6200", "2010-10-14", "$327,900"],
["Colleen Hurst", "Javascript Developer", "San Francisco", "2360", "2009-09-15", "$205,500"],
["Sonya Frost", "Software Engineer", "Edinburgh", "1667", "2008-12-13", "$103,600"],
["Jena Gaines", "Office Manager", "London", "3814", "2008-12-19", "$90,560"],
["Quinn Flynn", "Support Lead", "Edinburgh", "9497", "2013-03-03", "$342,000"],
["Charde Marshall", "Regional Director", "San Francisco", "6741", "2008-10-16", "$470,600"],
["Haley Kennedy", "Senior Marketing Designer", "London", "3597", "2012-12-18", "$313,500"],
["Tatyana Fitzpatrick", "Regional Director", "London", "1965", "2010-03-17", "$385,750"],
["Michael Silva", "Marketing Designer", "London", "1581", "2012-11-27", "$198,500"],
["Paul Byrd", "Chief Financial Officer (CFO)", "New York", "3059", "2010-06-09", "$725,000"],
["Gloria Little", "Systems Administrator", "New York", "1721", "2009-04-10", "$237,500"],
["Bradley Fourth Fourth Greer", "Software Engineer", "London", "2558", "2012-10-13", "$132,000"],
["Dai Rios", "Personnel Lead", "Edinburgh", "2290", "2012-09-26", "$217,500"],
["Jenette Caldwell", "Development Lead", "New York", "1937", "2011-09-03", "$345,000"],
["Yuri Berry", "Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)", "New York", "6154", "2009-06-25", "$675,000"],
["Caesar Vance", "Pre-Sales Support", "New York", "8330", "2011-12-12", "$106,450"],
["Doris Wilder", "Sales Assistant", "Sidney", "3023", "2010-09-20", "$85,600"],
["Angelica Ramos", "Chief Executive Officer (CEO)", "London", "5797", "2009-10-09", "$1,200,000"],
["Gavin Joyce", "Developer", "Edinburgh", "8822", "2010-12-22", "$92,575"],
["Jennifer Chang", "Regional Director", "Singapore", "9239", "2010-11-14", "$357,650"],
["Brenden Fifth Example Some Wagner", "Software Engineer", "San Francisco", "1314", "2011-06-07", "$206,850"],
["Fiona Green", "Chief Operating Officer (COO)", "San Francisco", "2947", "2010-03-11", "$850,000"],
["Shou Itou", "Regional Marketing", "Tokyo", "8899", "2011-08-14", "$163,000"],
["Michelle House", "Integration Specialist", "Sidney", "2769", "2011-06-02", "$95,400"],
["Suki Burks", "Developer", "London", "6832", "2009-10-22", "$114,500"],
["Prescott Bartlett", "Technical Author", "London", "3606", "2011-05-07", "$145,000"],
["Gavin Cortez", "Team Leader", "San Francisco", "2860", "2008-10-26", "$235,500"],
["Martena Mccray", "Post-Sales support", "Edinburgh", "8240", "2011-03-09", "$324,050"],
["Unity Butler", "Marketing Designer", "San Francisco", "5384", "2009-12-09", "$85,675"]
$(document).ready(function () {
data: dataSet,
columns: [{
title: "Name"
title: "Position"
title: "Office"
title: "Extn."
title: "Start date"
title: "Salary"
bubbleEditor: true
Extended columns
The defalut length of table header in Table Editor is six.
If you want to have more/fewer columns and working correctly, you have to change each value in options and you have to send instructions to each editor
Defaults header length settings:
headerLength: 6,
Extended columns - Modal Editor
With our Table Editor plugin you can easily have more/fewer columns in the Table Editor with Modals than in the default example (6). You just you have to do this:
- Add a new (or delete an old one)
. - Add a new (or delete an old one)
to eachtr
. - Add a new (or delete an old one) inputs in
Seven columns
0 row selected
0 row selected
Name | Position | Office | Age | Start date | Salary | Example |
Tiger Nixon | System Architect | Edinburgh | 61 | 2011/04/25 | $320,800 | Example |
Garrett Winters | Accountant | Tokyo | 63 | 2011/07/25 | $170,750 | Example |
Ashton Cox | Junior Technical Author | San Francisco | 66 | 2009/01/12 | $86,000 | Example |
Cedric Kelly | Senior Javascript Developer | Edinburgh | 22 | 2012/03/29 | $433,060 | Example |
Airi Satou | Accountant | Tokyo | 33 | 2008/11/28 | $162,700 | Example |
Brielle Williamson | Integration Specialist | New York | 61 | 2012/12/02 | $372,000 | Example |
Herrod Chandler | Sales Assistant | San Francisco | 59 | 2012/08/06 | $137,500 | Example |
Rhona Davidson | Integration Specialist | Tokyo | 55 | 2010/10/14 | $327,900 | Example |
Colleen Hurst | Javascript Developer | San Francisco | 39 | 2009/09/15 | $205,500 | Example |
Sonya Frost | Software Engineer | Edinburgh | 23 | 2008/12/13 | $103,600 | Example |
Jena Gaines | Office Manager | London | 30 | 2008/12/19 | $90,560 | Example |
Quinn Flynn | Support Lead | Edinburgh | 22 | 2013/03/03 | $342,000 | Example |
Charde Marshall | Regional Director | San Francisco | 36 | 2008/10/16 | $470,600 | Example |
Haley Kennedy | Senior Marketing Designer | London | 43 | 2012/12/18 | $313,500 | Example |
Tatyana Fitzpatrick | Regional Director | London | 19 | 2010/03/17 | $385,750 | Example |
Michael Silva | Marketing Designer | London | 66 | 2012/11/27 | $198,500 | Example |
Paul Byrd | Chief Financial Officer (CFO) | New York | 64 | 2010/06/09 | $725,000 | Example |
Gloria Little | Systems Administrator | New York | 59 | 2009/04/10 | $237,500 | Example |
Bradley Greer | Software Engineer | London | 41 | 2012/10/13 | $132,000 | Example |
Dai Rios | Personnel Lead | Edinburgh | 35 | 2012/09/26 | $217,500 | Example |
Jenette Caldwell | Development Lead | New York | 30 | 2011/09/03 | $345,000 | Example |
Yuri Berry | Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) | New York | 40 | 2009/06/25 | $675,000 | Example |
Caesar Vance | Pre-Sales Support | New York | 21 | 2011/12/12 | $106,450 | Example |
Doris Wilder | Sales Assistant | Sidney | 23 | 2010/09/20 | $85,600 | Example |
Angelica Ramos | Chief Executive Officer (CEO) | London | 47 | 2009/10/09 | $1,200,000 | Example |
Gavin Joyce | Developer | Edinburgh | 42 | 2010/12/22 | $92,575 | Example |
Jennifer Chang | Regional Director | Singapore | 28 | 2010/11/14 | $357,650 | Example |
Brenden Wagner | Software Engineer | San Francisco | 28 | 2011/06/07 | $206,850 | Example |
Fiona Green | Chief Operating Officer (COO) | San Francisco | 48 | 2010/03/11 | $850,000 | Example |
Shou Itou | Regional Marketing | Tokyo | 20 | 2011/08/14 | $163,000 | Example |
Michelle House | Integration Specialist | Sidney | 37 | 2011/06/02 | $95,400 | Example |
Suki Burks | Developer | London | 53 | 2009/10/22 | $114,500 | Example |
Prescott Bartlett | Technical Author | London | 27 | 2011/05/07 | $145,000 | Example |
Gavin Cortez | Team Leader | San Francisco | 22 | 2008/10/26 | $235,500 | Example |
Martena Mccray | Post-Sales support | Edinburgh | 46 | 2011/03/09 | $324,050 | Example |
Unity Butler | Marketing Designer | San Francisco | 47 | 2009/12/09 | $85,675 | Example |
Howard Hatfield | Office Manager | San Francisco | 51 | 2008/12/16 | $164,500 | Example |
Hope Fuentes | Secretary | San Francisco | 41 | 2010/02/12 | $109,850 | Example |
Vivian Harrell | Financial Controller | San Francisco | 62 | 2009/02/14 | $452,500 | Example |
Timothy Mooney | Office Manager | London | 37 | 2008/12/11 | $136,200 | Example |
Jackson Bradshaw | Director | New York | 65 | 2008/09/26 | $645,750 | Example |
Olivia Liang | Support Engineer | Singapore | 64 | 2011/02/03 | $234,500 | Example |
Bruno Nash | Software Engineer | London | 38 | 2011/05/03 | $163,500 | Example |
Sakura Yamamoto | Support Engineer | Tokyo | 37 | 2009/08/19 | $139,575 | Example |
Thor Walton | Developer | New York | 61 | 2013/08/11 | $98,540 | Example |
Finn Camacho | Support Engineer | San Francisco | 47 | 2009/07/07 | $87,500 | Example |
Serge Baldwin | Data Coordinator | Singapore | 64 | 2012/04/09 | $138,575 | Example |
Zenaida Frank | Software Engineer | New York | 63 | 2010/01/04 | $125,250 | Example |
Zorita Serrano | Software Engineer | San Francisco | 56 | 2012/06/01 | $115,000 | Example |
Jennifer Acosta | Junior Javascript Developer | Edinburgh | 43 | 2013/02/01 | $75,650 | Example |
Cara Stevens | Sales Assistant | New York | 46 | 2011/12/06 | $145,600 | Example |
Hermione Butler | Regional Director | London | 47 | 2011/03/21 | $356,250 | Example |
Lael Greer | Systems Administrator | London | 21 | 2009/02/27 | $103,500 | Example |
Jonas Alexander | Developer | San Francisco | 30 | 2010/07/14 | $86,500 | Example |
Shad Decker | Regional Director | Edinburgh | 51 | 2008/11/13 | $183,000 | Example |
Michael Bruce | Javascript Developer | Singapore | 29 | 2011/06/27 | $183,000 | Example |
Donna Snider | Customer Support | New York | 27 | 2011/01/25 | $112,000 | Example |
Name | Position | Office | Age | Start date | Salary | Example |
<div class="wrapper-editor">
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<p class="h5 text-primary createShowP">0 row selected</p>
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<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="inputName1">Name</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="inputPosition1" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="inputPosition1">Position</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="inputOfficeInput1" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="inputOfficeInput1">Office</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="inputAge1" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="inputAge1">Age</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="date" id="inputDate1" class="form-control" placeholder="Select Date">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="inputDate1"></label>
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<input type="text" id="inputSalary1" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="inputSalary1">Salary</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="inputSalary1example" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="inputSalary1example">Example</label>
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<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="formNameEdit1">Name</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="formPositionEdit1" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="formPositionEdit1">Position</label>
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<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="formOfficeEdit1">Office</label>
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<input type="text" id="formAgeEdit1" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="formAgeEdit1">Age</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="formDateEdit1" class="form-control datepicker">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="formDateEdit1">Date</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="formSalaryEdit1" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="formSalaryEdit1">Salary</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="formSalaryEdit1ex" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="formSalaryEdit1ex">Example</label>
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<table id="dt-more-columns" class="table table-striped table-bordered" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<th class="th-sm">Name
<th class="th-sm">Position
<th class="th-sm">Office
<th class="th-sm">Age
<th class="th-sm">Start date
<th class="th-sm">Salary
<th class="th-sm">Example
<td>Tiger Nixon</td>
<td>System Architect</td>
<td>Garrett Winters</td>
<td>Ashton Cox</td>
<td>Junior Technical Author</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Cedric Kelly</td>
<td>Senior Javascript Developer</td>
<td>Airi Satou</td>
<td>Brielle Williamson</td>
<td>Integration Specialist</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Herrod Chandler</td>
<td>Sales Assistant</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Rhona Davidson</td>
<td>Integration Specialist</td>
<td>Colleen Hurst</td>
<td>Javascript Developer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Sonya Frost</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>Jena Gaines</td>
<td>Office Manager</td>
<td>Quinn Flynn</td>
<td>Support Lead</td>
<td>Charde Marshall</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Haley Kennedy</td>
<td>Senior Marketing Designer</td>
<td>Tatyana Fitzpatrick</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Michael Silva</td>
<td>Marketing Designer</td>
<td>Paul Byrd</td>
<td>Chief Financial Officer (CFO)</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Gloria Little</td>
<td>Systems Administrator</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Bradley Greer</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>Dai Rios</td>
<td>Personnel Lead</td>
<td>Jenette Caldwell</td>
<td>Development Lead</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Yuri Berry</td>
<td>Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Caesar Vance</td>
<td>Pre-Sales Support</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Doris Wilder</td>
<td>Sales Assistant</td>
<td>Angelica Ramos</td>
<td>Chief Executive Officer (CEO)</td>
<td>Gavin Joyce</td>
<td>Jennifer Chang</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Brenden Wagner</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Fiona Green</td>
<td>Chief Operating Officer (COO)</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Shou Itou</td>
<td>Regional Marketing</td>
<td>Michelle House</td>
<td>Integration Specialist</td>
<td>Suki Burks</td>
<td>Prescott Bartlett</td>
<td>Technical Author</td>
<td>Gavin Cortez</td>
<td>Team Leader</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Martena Mccray</td>
<td>Post-Sales support</td>
<td>Unity Butler</td>
<td>Marketing Designer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Howard Hatfield</td>
<td>Office Manager</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Hope Fuentes</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Vivian Harrell</td>
<td>Financial Controller</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Timothy Mooney</td>
<td>Office Manager</td>
<td>Jackson Bradshaw</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Olivia Liang</td>
<td>Support Engineer</td>
<td>Bruno Nash</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>Sakura Yamamoto</td>
<td>Support Engineer</td>
<td>Thor Walton</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Finn Camacho</td>
<td>Support Engineer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Serge Baldwin</td>
<td>Data Coordinator</td>
<td>Zenaida Frank</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Zorita Serrano</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Jennifer Acosta</td>
<td>Junior Javascript Developer</td>
<td>Cara Stevens</td>
<td>Sales Assistant</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Hermione Butler</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Lael Greer</td>
<td>Systems Administrator</td>
<td>Jonas Alexander</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Shad Decker</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Michael Bruce</td>
<td>Javascript Developer</td>
<td>Donna Snider</td>
<td>Customer Support</td>
<td>New York</td>
<th>Start date
modalEditor: true,
headerLength: 7,
Fewer columns
You can easily have fewer columns.
Five columns
0 row selected
0 row selected
Name | Position | Office | Age | Start date |
Tiger Nixon | System Architect | Edinburgh | 61 | 2011/04/25 |
Garrett Winters | Accountant | Tokyo | 63 | 2011/07/25 |
Ashton Cox | Junior Technical Author | San Francisco | 66 | 2009/01/12 |
Cedric Kelly | Senior Javascript Developer | Edinburgh | 22 | 2012/03/29 |
Airi Satou | Accountant | Tokyo | 33 | 2008/11/28 |
Brielle Williamson | Integration Specialist | New York | 61 | 2012/12/02 |
Herrod Chandler | Sales Assistant | San Francisco | 59 | 2012/08/06 |
Rhona Davidson | Integration Specialist | Tokyo | 55 | 2010/10/14 |
Colleen Hurst | Javascript Developer | San Francisco | 39 | 2009/09/15 |
Sonya Frost | Software Engineer | Edinburgh | 23 | 2008/12/13 |
Jena Gaines | Office Manager | London | 30 | 2008/12/19 |
Quinn Flynn | Support Lead | Edinburgh | 22 | 2013/03/03 |
Charde Marshall | Regional Director | San Francisco | 36 | 2008/10/16 |
Haley Kennedy | Senior Marketing Designer | London | 43 | 2012/12/18 |
Tatyana Fitzpatrick | Regional Director | London | 19 | 2010/03/17 |
Michael Silva | Marketing Designer | London | 66 | 2012/11/27 |
Paul Byrd | Chief Financial Officer (CFO) | New York | 64 | 2010/06/09 |
Gloria Little | Systems Administrator | New York | 59 | 2009/04/10 |
Bradley Greer | Software Engineer | London | 41 | 2012/10/13 |
Dai Rios | Personnel Lead | Edinburgh | 35 | 2012/09/26 |
Jenette Caldwell | Development Lead | New York | 30 | 2011/09/03 |
Yuri Berry | Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) | New York | 40 | 2009/06/25 |
Caesar Vance | Pre-Sales Support | New York | 21 | 2011/12/12 |
Doris Wilder | Sales Assistant | Sidney | 23 | 2010/09/20 |
Angelica Ramos | Chief Executive Officer (CEO) | London | 47 | 2009/10/09 |
Gavin Joyce | Developer | Edinburgh | 42 | 2010/12/22 |
Jennifer Chang | Regional Director | Singapore | 28 | 2010/11/14 |
Brenden Wagner | Software Engineer | San Francisco | 28 | 2011/06/07 |
Fiona Green | Chief Operating Officer (COO) | San Francisco | 48 | 2010/03/11 |
Shou Itou | Regional Marketing | Tokyo | 20 | 2011/08/14 |
Michelle House | Integration Specialist | Sidney | 37 | 2011/06/02 |
Suki Burks | Developer | London | 53 | 2009/10/22 |
Prescott Bartlett | Technical Author | London | 27 | 2011/05/07 |
Gavin Cortez | Team Leader | San Francisco | 22 | 2008/10/26 |
Martena Mccray | Post-Sales support | Edinburgh | 46 | 2011/03/09 |
Unity Butler | Marketing Designer | San Francisco | 47 | 2009/12/09 |
Howard Hatfield | Office Manager | San Francisco | 51 | 2008/12/16 |
Hope Fuentes | Secretary | San Francisco | 41 | 2010/02/12 |
Vivian Harrell | Financial Controller | San Francisco | 62 | 2009/02/14 |
Timothy Mooney | Office Manager | London | 37 | 2008/12/11 |
Jackson Bradshaw | Director | New York | 65 | 2008/09/26 |
Olivia Liang | Support Engineer | Singapore | 64 | 2011/02/03 |
Bruno Nash | Software Engineer | London | 38 | 2011/05/03 |
Sakura Yamamoto | Support Engineer | Tokyo | 37 | 2009/08/19 |
Thor Walton | Developer | New York | 61 | 2013/08/11 |
Finn Camacho | Support Engineer | San Francisco | 47 | 2009/07/07 |
Serge Baldwin | Data Coordinator | Singapore | 64 | 2012/04/09 |
Zenaida Frank | Software Engineer | New York | 63 | 2010/01/04 |
Zorita Serrano | Software Engineer | San Francisco | 56 | 2012/06/01 |
Jennifer Acosta | Junior Javascript Developer | Edinburgh | 43 | 2013/02/01 |
Cara Stevens | Sales Assistant | New York | 46 | 2011/12/06 |
Hermione Butler | Regional Director | London | 47 | 2011/03/21 |
Lael Greer | Systems Administrator | London | 21 | 2009/02/27 |
Jonas Alexander | Developer | San Francisco | 30 | 2010/07/14 |
Shad Decker | Regional Director | Edinburgh | 51 | 2008/11/13 |
Michael Bruce | Javascript Developer | Singapore | 29 | 2011/06/27 |
Donna Snider | Customer Support | New York | 27 | 2011/01/25 |
Name | Position | Office | Age | Start date |
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<table id="dt-less-columns" class="table table-striped table-bordered" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<th class="th-sm">Name
<th class="th-sm">Position
<th class="th-sm">Office
<th class="th-sm">Age
<th class="th-sm">Start date
<td>Tiger Nixon</td>
<td>System Architect</td>
<td>Garrett Winters</td>
<td>Ashton Cox</td>
<td>Junior Technical Author</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Cedric Kelly</td>
<td>Senior Javascript Developer</td>
<td>Airi Satou</td>
<td>Brielle Williamson</td>
<td>Integration Specialist</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Herrod Chandler</td>
<td>Sales Assistant</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Rhona Davidson</td>
<td>Integration Specialist</td>
<td>Colleen Hurst</td>
<td>Javascript Developer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Sonya Frost</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>Jena Gaines</td>
<td>Office Manager</td>
<td>Quinn Flynn</td>
<td>Support Lead</td>
<td>Charde Marshall</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Haley Kennedy</td>
<td>Senior Marketing Designer</td>
<td>Tatyana Fitzpatrick</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Michael Silva</td>
<td>Marketing Designer</td>
<td>Paul Byrd</td>
<td>Chief Financial Officer (CFO)</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Gloria Little</td>
<td>Systems Administrator</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Bradley Greer</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>Dai Rios</td>
<td>Personnel Lead</td>
<td>Jenette Caldwell</td>
<td>Development Lead</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Yuri Berry</td>
<td>Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Caesar Vance</td>
<td>Pre-Sales Support</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Doris Wilder</td>
<td>Sales Assistant</td>
<td>Angelica Ramos</td>
<td>Chief Executive Officer (CEO)</td>
<td>Gavin Joyce</td>
<td>Jennifer Chang</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Brenden Wagner</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Fiona Green</td>
<td>Chief Operating Officer (COO)</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Shou Itou</td>
<td>Regional Marketing</td>
<td>Michelle House</td>
<td>Integration Specialist</td>
<td>Suki Burks</td>
<td>Prescott Bartlett</td>
<td>Technical Author</td>
<td>Gavin Cortez</td>
<td>Team Leader</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Martena Mccray</td>
<td>Post-Sales support</td>
<td>Unity Butler</td>
<td>Marketing Designer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Howard Hatfield</td>
<td>Office Manager</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Hope Fuentes</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Vivian Harrell</td>
<td>Financial Controller</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Timothy Mooney</td>
<td>Office Manager</td>
<td>Jackson Bradshaw</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Olivia Liang</td>
<td>Support Engineer</td>
<td>Bruno Nash</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>Sakura Yamamoto</td>
<td>Support Engineer</td>
<td>Thor Walton</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Finn Camacho</td>
<td>Support Engineer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Serge Baldwin</td>
<td>Data Coordinator</td>
<td>Zenaida Frank</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Zorita Serrano</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Jennifer Acosta</td>
<td>Junior Javascript Developer</td>
<td>Cara Stevens</td>
<td>Sales Assistant</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Hermione Butler</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Lael Greer</td>
<td>Systems Administrator</td>
<td>Jonas Alexander</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Shad Decker</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Michael Bruce</td>
<td>Javascript Developer</td>
<td>Donna Snider</td>
<td>Customer Support</td>
<td>New York</td>
<th>Start date
modalEditor: true,
headerLength: 5,
Extended columns - Row Editor
With our Table Editor plugin you can easily have more/fewer columns in the Table Row Editor than the default example (6). You just have to do this:
- Add a new (or delete an old one)
. - Add a new (or delete an old one)
to eachtr
If you are using a variable to store your table data you have to add/delete that variables data for your exmaples.
Note: If you are using a variable to store your table data you have to add/delete that variable data for your exmaples
Note: Editors like the Content Editor and the Bubble Editor have the same dependency with more/fewer columns like the Row Editor.
Seven columns
Name | Position | Office | Age | Start date | Salary | Ex |
Tiger Nixon | System Architect | Edinburgh | 61 | 2011/04/25 | $320,800 | ExampleRow |
Garrett Winters | Accountant | Tokyo | 63 | 2011/07/25 | $170,750 | ExampleRow |
Ashton Cox | Junior Technical Author | San Francisco | 66 | 2009/01/12 | $86,000 | ExampleRow |
Cedric Kelly | Senior Javascript Developer | Edinburgh | 22 | 2012/03/29 | $433,060 | ExampleRow |
Airi Satou | Accountant | Tokyo | 33 | 2008/11/28 | $162,700 | ExampleRow |
Brielle Williamson | Integration Specialist | New York | 61 | 2012/12/02 | $372,000 | ExampleRow |
Herrod Chandler | Sales Assistant | San Francisco | 59 | 2012/08/06 | $137,500 | ExampleRow |
Rhona Davidson | Integration Specialist | Tokyo | 55 | 2010/10/14 | $327,900 | ExampleRow |
Colleen Hurst | Javascript Developer | San Francisco | 39 | 2009/09/15 | $205,500 | ExampleRow |
Sonya Frost | Software Engineer | Edinburgh | 23 | 2008/12/13 | $103,600 | ExampleRow |
Jena Gaines | Office Manager | London | 30 | 2008/12/19 | $90,560 | ExampleRow |
Quinn Flynn | Support Lead | Edinburgh | 22 | 2013/03/03 | $342,000 | ExampleRow |
Charde Marshall | Regional Director | San Francisco | 36 | 2008/10/16 | $470,600 | ExampleRow |
Haley Kennedy | Senior Marketing Designer | London | 43 | 2012/12/18 | $313,500 | ExampleRow |
Tatyana Fitzpatrick | Regional Director | London | 19 | 2010/03/17 | $385,750 | ExampleRow |
Michael Silva | Marketing Designer | London | 66 | 2012/11/27 | $198,500 | ExampleRow |
Paul Byrd | Chief Financial Officer (CFO) | New York | 64 | 2010/06/09 | $725,000 | ExampleRow |
Gloria Little | Systems Administrator | New York | 59 | 2009/04/10 | $237,500 | ExampleRow |
Bradley Greer | Software Engineer | London | 41 | 2012/10/13 | $132,000 | ExampleRow |
Dai Rios | Personnel Lead | Edinburgh | 35 | 2012/09/26 | $217,500 | ExampleRow |
Jenette Caldwell | Development Lead | New York | 30 | 2011/09/03 | $345,000 | ExampleRow |
Yuri Berry | Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) | New York | 40 | 2009/06/25 | $675,000 | ExampleRow |
Caesar Vance | Pre-Sales Support | New York | 21 | 2011/12/12 | $106,450 | ExampleRow |
Doris Wilder | Sales Assistant | Sidney | 23 | 2010/09/20 | $85,600 | ExampleRow |
Angelica Ramos | Chief Executive Officer (CEO) | London | 47 | 2009/10/09 | $1,200,000 | ExampleRow |
Gavin Joyce | Developer | Edinburgh | 42 | 2010/12/22 | $92,575 | ExampleRow |
Jennifer Chang | Regional Director | Singapore | 28 | 2010/11/14 | $357,650 | ExampleRow |
Brenden Wagner | Software Engineer | San Francisco | 28 | 2011/06/07 | $206,850 | ExampleRow |
Fiona Green | Chief Operating Officer (COO) | San Francisco | 48 | 2010/03/11 | $850,000 | ExampleRow |
Shou Itou | Regional Marketing | Tokyo | 20 | 2011/08/14 | $163,000 | ExampleRow |
Michelle House | Integration Specialist | Sidney | 37 | 2011/06/02 | $95,400 | ExampleRow |
Suki Burks | Developer | London | 53 | 2009/10/22 | $114,500 | ExampleRow |
Prescott Bartlett | Technical Author | London | 27 | 2011/05/07 | $145,000 | ExampleRow |
Gavin Cortez | Team Leader | San Francisco | 22 | 2008/10/26 | $235,500 | ExampleRow |
Martena Mccray | Post-Sales support | Edinburgh | 46 | 2011/03/09 | $324,050 | ExampleRow |
Unity Butler | Marketing Designer | San Francisco | 47 | 2009/12/09 | $85,675 | ExampleRow |
Howard Hatfield | Office Manager | San Francisco | 51 | 2008/12/16 | $164,500 | ExampleRow |
Hope Fuentes | Secretary | San Francisco | 41 | 2010/02/12 | $109,850 | ExampleRow |
Vivian Harrell | Financial Controller | San Francisco | 62 | 2009/02/14 | $452,500 | ExampleRow |
Timothy Mooney | Office Manager | London | 37 | 2008/12/11 | $136,200 | ExampleRow |
Jackson Bradshaw | Director | New York | 65 | 2008/09/26 | $645,750 | ExampleRow |
Olivia Liang | Support Engineer | Singapore | 64 | 2011/02/03 | $234,500 | ExampleRow |
Bruno Nash | Software Engineer | London | 38 | 2011/05/03 | $163,500 | ExampleRow |
Sakura Yamamoto | Support Engineer | Tokyo | 37 | 2009/08/19 | $139,575 | ExampleRow |
Thor Walton | Developer | New York | 61 | 2013/08/11 | $98,540 | ExampleRow |
Finn Camacho | Support Engineer | San Francisco | 47 | 2009/07/07 | $87,500 | ExampleRow |
Serge Baldwin | Data Coordinator | Singapore | 64 | 2012/04/09 | $138,575 | ExampleRow |
Zenaida Frank | Software Engineer | New York | 63 | 2010/01/04 | $125,250 | ExampleRow |
Zorita Serrano | Software Engineer | San Francisco | 56 | 2012/06/01 | $115,000 | ExampleRow |
Jennifer Acosta | Junior Javascript Developer | Edinburgh | 43 | 2013/02/01 | $75,650 | ExampleRow |
Cara Stevens | Sales Assistant | New York | 46 | 2011/12/06 | $145,600 | ExampleRow |
Hermione Butler | Regional Director | London | 47 | 2011/03/21 | $356,250 | ExampleRow |
Lael Greer | Systems Administrator | London | 21 | 2009/02/27 | $103,500 | ExampleRow |
Jonas Alexander | Developer | San Francisco | 30 | 2010/07/14 | $86,500 | ExampleRow |
Shad Decker | Regional Director | Edinburgh | 51 | 2008/11/13 | $183,000 | ExampleRow |
Michael Bruce | Javascript Developer | Singapore | 29 | 2011/06/27 | $183,000 | ExampleRow |
Donna Snider | Customer Support | New York | 27 | 2011/01/25 | $112,000 | ExampleRow |
Name | Position | Office | Age | Start date | Salary | Ex |
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<table id="dt-more-row-col" class="table table-striped table-bordered" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<th class="th-sm">Name
<th class="th-sm">Position
<th class="th-sm">Office
<th class="th-sm">Age
<th class="th-sm">Start date
<th class="th-sm">Salary
<th class="th-sm">Ex
<td>Tiger Nixon</td>
<td>System Architect</td>
<td>Garrett Winters</td>
<td>Ashton Cox</td>
<td>Junior Technical Author</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Cedric Kelly</td>
<td>Senior Javascript Developer</td>
<td>Airi Satou</td>
<td>Brielle Williamson</td>
<td>Integration Specialist</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Herrod Chandler</td>
<td>Sales Assistant</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Rhona Davidson</td>
<td>Integration Specialist</td>
<td>Colleen Hurst</td>
<td>Javascript Developer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Sonya Frost</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>Jena Gaines</td>
<td>Office Manager</td>
<td>Quinn Flynn</td>
<td>Support Lead</td>
<td>Charde Marshall</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Haley Kennedy</td>
<td>Senior Marketing Designer</td>
<td>Tatyana Fitzpatrick</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Michael Silva</td>
<td>Marketing Designer</td>
<td>Paul Byrd</td>
<td>Chief Financial Officer (CFO)</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Gloria Little</td>
<td>Systems Administrator</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Bradley Greer</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>Dai Rios</td>
<td>Personnel Lead</td>
<td>Jenette Caldwell</td>
<td>Development Lead</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Yuri Berry</td>
<td>Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Caesar Vance</td>
<td>Pre-Sales Support</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Doris Wilder</td>
<td>Sales Assistant</td>
<td>Angelica Ramos</td>
<td>Chief Executive Officer (CEO)</td>
<td>Gavin Joyce</td>
<td>Jennifer Chang</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Brenden Wagner</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Fiona Green</td>
<td>Chief Operating Officer (COO)</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Shou Itou</td>
<td>Regional Marketing</td>
<td>Michelle House</td>
<td>Integration Specialist</td>
<td>Suki Burks</td>
<td>Prescott Bartlett</td>
<td>Technical Author</td>
<td>Gavin Cortez</td>
<td>Team Leader</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Martena Mccray</td>
<td>Post-Sales support</td>
<td>Unity Butler</td>
<td>Marketing Designer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Howard Hatfield</td>
<td>Office Manager</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Hope Fuentes</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Vivian Harrell</td>
<td>Financial Controller</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Timothy Mooney</td>
<td>Office Manager</td>
<td>Jackson Bradshaw</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Olivia Liang</td>
<td>Support Engineer</td>
<td>Bruno Nash</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>Sakura Yamamoto</td>
<td>Support Engineer</td>
<td>Thor Walton</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Finn Camacho</td>
<td>Support Engineer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Serge Baldwin</td>
<td>Data Coordinator</td>
<td>Zenaida Frank</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Zorita Serrano</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Jennifer Acosta</td>
<td>Junior Javascript Developer</td>
<td>Cara Stevens</td>
<td>Sales Assistant</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Hermione Butler</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Lael Greer</td>
<td>Systems Administrator</td>
<td>Jonas Alexander</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Shad Decker</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Michael Bruce</td>
<td>Javascript Developer</td>
<td>Donna Snider</td>
<td>Customer Support</td>
<td>New York</td>
<th>Start date
modalEditor: true,
headerLength: 7,
Fewer columns Table Row Editor
You can easily have fewer columns in the Table Row Editor.
Five columns
Name | Position | Office | Age | Start date |
Tiger Nixon | System Architect | Edinburgh | 61 | 2011/04/25 |
Garrett Winters | Accountant | Tokyo | 63 | 2011/07/25 |
Ashton Cox | Junior Technical Author | San Francisco | 66 | 2009/01/12 |
Cedric Kelly | Senior Javascript Developer | Edinburgh | 22 | 2012/03/29 |
Airi Satou | Accountant | Tokyo | 33 | 2008/11/28 |
Brielle Williamson | Integration Specialist | New York | 61 | 2012/12/02 |
Herrod Chandler | Sales Assistant | San Francisco | 59 | 2012/08/06 |
Rhona Davidson | Integration Specialist | Tokyo | 55 | 2010/10/14 |
Colleen Hurst | Javascript Developer | San Francisco | 39 | 2009/09/15 |
Sonya Frost | Software Engineer | Edinburgh | 23 | 2008/12/13 |
Jena Gaines | Office Manager | London | 30 | 2008/12/19 |
Quinn Flynn | Support Lead | Edinburgh | 22 | 2013/03/03 |
Charde Marshall | Regional Director | San Francisco | 36 | 2008/10/16 |
Haley Kennedy | Senior Marketing Designer | London | 43 | 2012/12/18 |
Tatyana Fitzpatrick | Regional Director | London | 19 | 2010/03/17 |
Michael Silva | Marketing Designer | London | 66 | 2012/11/27 |
Paul Byrd | Chief Financial Officer (CFO) | New York | 64 | 2010/06/09 |
Gloria Little | Systems Administrator | New York | 59 | 2009/04/10 |
Bradley Greer | Software Engineer | London | 41 | 2012/10/13 |
Dai Rios | Personnel Lead | Edinburgh | 35 | 2012/09/26 |
Jenette Caldwell | Development Lead | New York | 30 | 2011/09/03 |
Yuri Berry | Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) | New York | 40 | 2009/06/25 |
Caesar Vance | Pre-Sales Support | New York | 21 | 2011/12/12 |
Doris Wilder | Sales Assistant | Sidney | 23 | 2010/09/20 |
Angelica Ramos | Chief Executive Officer (CEO) | London | 47 | 2009/10/09 |
Gavin Joyce | Developer | Edinburgh | 42 | 2010/12/22 |
Jennifer Chang | Regional Director | Singapore | 28 | 2010/11/14 |
Brenden Wagner | Software Engineer | San Francisco | 28 | 2011/06/07 |
Fiona Green | Chief Operating Officer (COO) | San Francisco | 48 | 2010/03/11 |
Shou Itou | Regional Marketing | Tokyo | 20 | 2011/08/14 |
Michelle House | Integration Specialist | Sidney | 37 | 2011/06/02 |
Suki Burks | Developer | London | 53 | 2009/10/22 |
Prescott Bartlett | Technical Author | London | 27 | 2011/05/07 |
Gavin Cortez | Team Leader | San Francisco | 22 | 2008/10/26 |
Martena Mccray | Post-Sales support | Edinburgh | 46 | 2011/03/09 |
Unity Butler | Marketing Designer | San Francisco | 47 | 2009/12/09 |
Howard Hatfield | Office Manager | San Francisco | 51 | 2008/12/16 |
Hope Fuentes | Secretary | San Francisco | 41 | 2010/02/12 |
Vivian Harrell | Financial Controller | San Francisco | 62 | 2009/02/14 |
Timothy Mooney | Office Manager | London | 37 | 2008/12/11 |
Jackson Bradshaw | Director | New York | 65 | 2008/09/26 |
Olivia Liang | Support Engineer | Singapore | 64 | 2011/02/03 |
Bruno Nash | Software Engineer | London | 38 | 2011/05/03 |
Sakura Yamamoto | Support Engineer | Tokyo | 37 | 2009/08/19 |
Thor Walton | Developer | New York | 61 | 2013/08/11 |
Finn Camacho | Support Engineer | San Francisco | 47 | 2009/07/07 |
Serge Baldwin | Data Coordinator | Singapore | 64 | 2012/04/09 |
Zenaida Frank | Software Engineer | New York | 63 | 2010/01/04 |
Zorita Serrano | Software Engineer | San Francisco | 56 | 2012/06/01 |
Jennifer Acosta | Junior Javascript Developer | Edinburgh | 43 | 2013/02/01 |
Cara Stevens | Sales Assistant | New York | 46 | 2011/12/06 |
Hermione Butler | Regional Director | London | 47 | 2011/03/21 |
Lael Greer | Systems Administrator | London | 21 | 2009/02/27 |
Jonas Alexander | Developer | San Francisco | 30 | 2010/07/14 |
Shad Decker | Regional Director | Edinburgh | 51 | 2008/11/13 |
Michael Bruce | Javascript Developer | Singapore | 29 | 2011/06/27 |
Donna Snider | Customer Support | New York | 27 | 2011/01/25 |
Name | Position | Office | Age | Start date |
<div class="wrapper-editor">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center buttons-wrapper flex-wrap">
<button id="" class="btn btn-sm btn-teal btn-rounded addNewColumn">Activate edits</button>
<button id="" class="btn btn-sm btn-mdb-color btn-rounded removeColumns" disabled>Deactivate edits</button>
<button id="" class="btn btn-sm btn-info btn-rounded addNewRows">Add new rows</button>
<div class="closeByClick d-none"></div>
<div class="showForm d-none" style="position: fixed; top: 20%; left:50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); z-index: 1100;">
<form class="text-center border border-light p-5" style="background: white;">
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<p class="text-center h5 py-2 pb-3">Are you sure to delete selected rows?</p>
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<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btnNo btn-sm" data-dismiss="modal">No</button>
<table id="dt-less-row-col" class="table table-striped table-bordered" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<th class="th-sm">Name
<th class="th-sm">Position
<th class="th-sm">Office
<th class="th-sm">Age
<th class="th-sm">Start date
<td>Tiger Nixon</td>
<td>System Architect</td>
<td>Garrett Winters</td>
<td>Ashton Cox</td>
<td>Junior Technical Author</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Cedric Kelly</td>
<td>Senior Javascript Developer</td>
<td>Airi Satou</td>
<td>Brielle Williamson</td>
<td>Integration Specialist</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Herrod Chandler</td>
<td>Sales Assistant</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Rhona Davidson</td>
<td>Integration Specialist</td>
<td>Colleen Hurst</td>
<td>Javascript Developer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Sonya Frost</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>Jena Gaines</td>
<td>Office Manager</td>
<td>Quinn Flynn</td>
<td>Support Lead</td>
<td>Charde Marshall</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Haley Kennedy</td>
<td>Senior Marketing Designer</td>
<td>Tatyana Fitzpatrick</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Michael Silva</td>
<td>Marketing Designer</td>
<td>Paul Byrd</td>
<td>Chief Financial Officer (CFO)</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Gloria Little</td>
<td>Systems Administrator</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Bradley Greer</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>Dai Rios</td>
<td>Personnel Lead</td>
<td>Jenette Caldwell</td>
<td>Development Lead</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Yuri Berry</td>
<td>Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Caesar Vance</td>
<td>Pre-Sales Support</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Doris Wilder</td>
<td>Sales Assistant</td>
<td>Angelica Ramos</td>
<td>Chief Executive Officer (CEO)</td>
<td>Gavin Joyce</td>
<td>Jennifer Chang</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Brenden Wagner</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Fiona Green</td>
<td>Chief Operating Officer (COO)</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Shou Itou</td>
<td>Regional Marketing</td>
<td>Michelle House</td>
<td>Integration Specialist</td>
<td>Suki Burks</td>
<td>Prescott Bartlett</td>
<td>Technical Author</td>
<td>Gavin Cortez</td>
<td>Team Leader</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Martena Mccray</td>
<td>Post-Sales support</td>
<td>Unity Butler</td>
<td>Marketing Designer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Howard Hatfield</td>
<td>Office Manager</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Hope Fuentes</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Vivian Harrell</td>
<td>Financial Controller</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Timothy Mooney</td>
<td>Office Manager</td>
<td>Jackson Bradshaw</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Olivia Liang</td>
<td>Support Engineer</td>
<td>Bruno Nash</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>Sakura Yamamoto</td>
<td>Support Engineer</td>
<td>Thor Walton</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Finn Camacho</td>
<td>Support Engineer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Serge Baldwin</td>
<td>Data Coordinator</td>
<td>Zenaida Frank</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Zorita Serrano</td>
<td>Software Engineer</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Jennifer Acosta</td>
<td>Junior Javascript Developer</td>
<td>Cara Stevens</td>
<td>Sales Assistant</td>
<td>New York</td>
<td>Hermione Butler</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Lael Greer</td>
<td>Systems Administrator</td>
<td>Jonas Alexander</td>
<td>San Francisco</td>
<td>Shad Decker</td>
<td>Regional Director</td>
<td>Michael Bruce</td>
<td>Javascript Developer</td>
<td>Donna Snider</td>
<td>Customer Support</td>
<td>New York</td>
<th>Start date
rowEditor: true,
headerLength: 5,
Other Editors
Other editors such as the Content Editor and the Bubble Editor have the same dependency regarding more/fewer columns like the Row Editor. So if you would like to have different number of columns you have to do the same process as for the Row Editor.
MDB Table Editor Options
The MDB Table Editor has a few default options that can be easily changed.
The default options are as follows:
Name | Type | Custom Value | Description |
headerLength |
Number | 6 | Custom length of columns. |
evenTextColor |
String | #000 | Table even rows text color |
oddTextColor |
String | #000 | Table odd rows text color |
bgEvenColor |
String | '' | Table even rows background color |
bgOddColor |
String | '' | Table odd rows background color |
thText |
String | '' | Table head/footer rows text color |
thBg |
String | '' | Table head/footer rows background color |
modalEditor |
Boolean | false | To enable modal editor change to true |
rowEditor |
Boolean | false | To enable row editor change to true |
bubbleEditor |
Boolean | false | To enable bubble editor change to true |
contentEditor |
Boolean | false | To enable content editor change to true |
Modal Editor options
The modal Editor uses a basic default option for each table.
<div class="wrapper-editor">
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<p class="h5 text-primary createShowP">0 row selected</p>
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<input type="text" id="inputName" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="inputName">Name</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="inputPosition" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="inputPosition">Position</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="inputOfficeInput" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="inputOfficeInput">Office</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="inputAge" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="inputAge">Age</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="date" id="inputDate" class="form-control" placeholder="Select Date">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="inputDate"></label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="inputSalary" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="inputSalary">Salary</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="inputSalary12" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="inputSalary12">Examples</label>
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<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="formNameEdit">Name</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="formPositionEdit" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="formPositionEdit">Position</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="formOfficeEdit" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="formOfficeEdit">Office</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="formAgeEdit" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="formAgeEdit">Age</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="formDateEdit" class="form-control datepicker">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="formDateEdit">Date</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="formSalaryEdit" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="formSalaryEdit">Salary</label>
<div class="md-form mb-5">
<input type="text" id="formSalaryEdit11" class="form-control validate">
<label data-error="wrong" data-success="right" for="formSalaryEdit11">Examples</label>
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<table id="ex1" class="table table-striped table-bordered" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<th>Start date</th>
<th>Start date</th>
let dataSet = [
["Tiger Nixon", "System Architect", "Edinburgh", "5421", "2011-04-25", "$320,800", "Examples"],
["Garrett Winters", "Accountant", "Tokyo", "8422", "2011-07-25", "$170,750", "Examples"],
["Ashton Cox", "Junior Technical Author", "San Francisco", "1562", "2009-01-12", "$86,000", "Examples"],
["Cedric Kelly", "Senior Javascript Developer", "Edinburgh", "6224", "2012-03-29", "$433,060", "Examples"],
["Airi", "Accountant", "Tokyo", "5407", "2008-11-28", "$162,700", "Examples"],
["Brielle Williamson", "Integration Specialist", "New York", "4804", "2012-12-02",
"$372,000", "Examples"
["Herrod Chandler", "Sales Assistant", "San Francisco", "9608", "2012-08-06", "$137,500", "Examples"],
["Rhona Davidson", "Integration Specialist", "Tokyo", "6200", "2010-10-14", "$327,900", "Examples"],
["Colleen Hurst", "Javascript Developer", "San Francisco", "2360", "2009-09-15", "$205,500", "Examples"],
["Sonya Frost", "Software Engineer", "Edinburgh", "1667", "2008-12-13", "$103,600", "Examples"],
["Jena Gaines", "Office Manager", "London", "3814", "2008-12-19", "$90,560", "Examples"],
["Quinn Flynn", "Support Lead", "Edinburgh", "9497", "2013-03-03", "$342,000", "Examples"],
["Charde Marshall", "Regional Director", "San Francisco", "6741", "2008-10-16", "$470,600", "Examples"],
["Haley Kennedy", "Senior Marketing Designer", "London", "3597", "2012-12-18", "$313,500", "Examples"],
["Tatyana Fitzpatrick", "Regional Director", "London", "1965", "2010-03-17", "$385,750", "Examples"],
["Michael Silva", "Marketing Designer", "London", "1581", "2012-11-27", "$198,500", "Examples"],
["Paul Byrd", "Chief Financial Officer (CFO)", "New York", "3059", "2010-06-09", "$725,000", "Examples"],
["Gloria Little", "Systems Administrator", "New York", "1721", "2009-04-10", "$237,500", "Examples"],
["Bradley Greer", "Software Engineer", "London", "2558", "2012-10-13", "$132,000", "Examples"],
["Dai Rios", "Personnel Lead", "Edinburgh", "2290", "2012-09-26", "$217,500", "Examples"],
["Jenette Caldwell", "Development Lead", "New York", "1937", "2011-09-03", "$345,000", "Examples"],
["Yuri Berry", "Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)", "New York", "6154", "2009-06-25", "$675,000", "Examples"],
["Caesar Vance", "Pre-Sales Support", "New York", "8330", "2011-12-12", "$106,450", "Examples"],
["Doris Wilder", "Sales Assistant", "Sidney", "3023", "2010-09-20", "$85,600", "Examples"],
["Angelica Ramos", "Chief Executive Officer (CEO)", "London", "5797", "2009-10-09", "$1,200,000", "Examples"],
["Gavin Joyce", "Developer", "Edinburgh", "8822", "2010-12-22", "$92,575", "Examples"],
["Jennifer Chang", "Regional Director", "Singapore", "9239", "2010-11-14", "$357,650", "Examples"],
["Brenden Wagner", "Software Engineer", "San Francisco", "1314", "2011-06-07", "$206,850",
["Fiona Green", "Chief Operating Officer (COO)", "San Francisco", "2947", "2010-03-11", "$850,000",
["Shou Itou", "Regional Marketing", "Tokyo", "8899", "2011-08-14", "$163,000", "Examples"],
["Michelle House", "Integration Specialist", "Sidney", "2769", "2011-06-02", "$95,400", "Examples"],
["Suki Burks", "Developer", "London", "6832", "2009-10-22", "$114,500", "Examples"],
["Prescott Bartlett", "Technical Author", "London", "3606", "2011-05-07", "$145,000", "Examples"],
["Gavin Cortez", "Team Leader", "San Francisco", "2860", "2008-10-26", "$235,500", "Examples"],
["Martena Mccray", "Post-Sales support", "Edinburgh", "8240", "2011-03-09", "$324,050", "Examples"],
["Unity Butler", "Marketing Designer", "San Francisco", "5384", "2009-12-09", "$85,675", "Examples"]
data: dataSet,
columns: [{
title: "Name"
title: "Position"
title: "Office"
title: "Extn."
title: "Start date"
title: "Salary"
title: "Examples"
modalEditor: true,
headerLength: 7,
evenTextColor: '#AbA6BF',
oddTextColor: '#BF988F',
bgEvenColor: '#fff',
bgOddColor: '#EBF2EA',
thText: '#BF988F',
thBg: '#fff',
Row Editor options
The row Editor uses a basic default option for each table.
Name | Position | Office | Extn. | Start date | Salary | Examples |
Name | Position | Office | Extn. | Start date | Salary | Examples |
<div class="wrapper-editor">
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<table id="ex2" class="table table-striped table-bordered" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<th>Start date</th>
<th>Start date</th>
let dataSet = [
["Tiger Nixon", "System Architect", "Edinburgh", "5421", "2011-04-25", "$320,800", "Examples"],
["Garrett Winters", "Accountant", "Tokyo", "8422", "2011-07-25", "$170,750", "Examples"],
["Ashton Cox", "Junior Technical Author", "San Francisco", "1562", "2009-01-12", "$86,000", "Examples"],
["Cedric Kelly", "Senior Javascript Developer", "Edinburgh", "6224", "2012-03-29", "$433,060", "Examples"],
["Airi", "Accountant", "Tokyo", "5407", "2008-11-28", "$162,700", "Examples"],
["Brielle Williamson", "Integration Specialist", "New York", "4804", "2012-12-02",
"$372,000", "Examples"
["Herrod Chandler", "Sales Assistant", "San Francisco", "9608", "2012-08-06", "$137,500", "Examples"],
["Rhona Davidson", "Integration Specialist", "Tokyo", "6200", "2010-10-14", "$327,900", "Examples"],
["Colleen Hurst", "Javascript Developer", "San Francisco", "2360", "2009-09-15", "$205,500", "Examples"],
["Sonya Frost", "Software Engineer", "Edinburgh", "1667", "2008-12-13", "$103,600", "Examples"],
["Jena Gaines", "Office Manager", "London", "3814", "2008-12-19", "$90,560", "Examples"],
["Quinn Flynn", "Support Lead", "Edinburgh", "9497", "2013-03-03", "$342,000", "Examples"],
["Charde Marshall", "Regional Director", "San Francisco", "6741", "2008-10-16", "$470,600", "Examples"],
["Haley Kennedy", "Senior Marketing Designer", "London", "3597", "2012-12-18", "$313,500", "Examples"],
["Tatyana Fitzpatrick", "Regional Director", "London", "1965", "2010-03-17", "$385,750", "Examples"],
["Michael Silva", "Marketing Designer", "London", "1581", "2012-11-27", "$198,500", "Examples"],
["Paul Byrd", "Chief Financial Officer (CFO)", "New York", "3059", "2010-06-09", "$725,000", "Examples"],
["Gloria Little", "Systems Administrator", "New York", "1721", "2009-04-10", "$237,500", "Examples"],
["Bradley Greer", "Software Engineer", "London", "2558", "2012-10-13", "$132,000", "Examples"],
["Dai Rios", "Personnel Lead", "Edinburgh", "2290", "2012-09-26", "$217,500", "Examples"],
["Jenette Caldwell", "Development Lead", "New York", "1937", "2011-09-03", "$345,000", "Examples"],
["Yuri Berry", "Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)", "New York", "6154", "2009-06-25", "$675,000", "Examples"],
["Caesar Vance", "Pre-Sales Support", "New York", "8330", "2011-12-12", "$106,450", "Examples"],
["Doris Wilder", "Sales Assistant", "Sidney", "3023", "2010-09-20", "$85,600", "Examples"],
["Angelica Ramos", "Chief Executive Officer (CEO)", "London", "5797", "2009-10-09", "$1,200,000", "Examples"],
["Gavin Joyce", "Developer", "Edinburgh", "8822", "2010-12-22", "$92,575", "Examples"],
["Jennifer Chang", "Regional Director", "Singapore", "9239", "2010-11-14", "$357,650", "Examples"],
["Brenden Wagner", "Software Engineer", "San Francisco", "1314", "2011-06-07", "$206,850",
["Fiona Green", "Chief Operating Officer (COO)", "San Francisco", "2947", "2010-03-11", "$850,000",
["Shou Itou", "Regional Marketing", "Tokyo", "8899", "2011-08-14", "$163,000", "Examples"],
["Michelle House", "Integration Specialist", "Sidney", "2769", "2011-06-02", "$95,400", "Examples"],
["Suki Burks", "Developer", "London", "6832", "2009-10-22", "$114,500", "Examples"],
["Prescott Bartlett", "Technical Author", "London", "3606", "2011-05-07", "$145,000", "Examples"],
["Gavin Cortez", "Team Leader", "San Francisco", "2860", "2008-10-26", "$235,500", "Examples"],
["Martena Mccray", "Post-Sales support", "Edinburgh", "8240", "2011-03-09", "$324,050", "Examples"],
["Unity Butler", "Marketing Designer", "San Francisco", "5384", "2009-12-09", "$85,675", "Examples"]
data: dataSet,
columns: [{
title: "Name"
title: "Position"
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title: "Start date"
title: "Salary"
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Content Editor options
The Content Editor uses a basic default option for each table.
Name | Position | Office | Extn. | Start date | Salary | Examples |
Name | Position | Office | Extn. | Start date | Salary | Examples |
<div class="wrapper-editor">
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<table id="ex3" class="table table-striped table-bordered" cellspacing=" 0" width="100%">
<th>Start date</th>
<th>Start date</th>
let dataSet = [
["Tiger Nixon", "System Architect", "Edinburgh", "5421", "2011-04-25", "$320,800", "Examples"],
["Garrett Winters", "Accountant", "Tokyo", "8422", "2011-07-25", "$170,750", "Examples"],
["Ashton Cox", "Junior Technical Author", "San Francisco", "1562", "2009-01-12", "$86,000", "Examples"],
["Cedric Kelly", "Senior Javascript Developer", "Edinburgh", "6224", "2012-03-29", "$433,060", "Examples"],
["Airi", "Accountant", "Tokyo", "5407", "2008-11-28", "$162,700", "Examples"],
["Brielle Williamson", "Integration Specialist", "New York", "4804", "2012-12-02",
"$372,000", "Examples"
["Herrod Chandler", "Sales Assistant", "San Francisco", "9608", "2012-08-06", "$137,500", "Examples"],
["Rhona Davidson", "Integration Specialist", "Tokyo", "6200", "2010-10-14", "$327,900", "Examples"],
["Colleen Hurst", "Javascript Developer", "San Francisco", "2360", "2009-09-15", "$205,500", "Examples"],
["Sonya Frost", "Software Engineer", "Edinburgh", "1667", "2008-12-13", "$103,600", "Examples"],
["Jena Gaines", "Office Manager", "London", "3814", "2008-12-19", "$90,560", "Examples"],
["Quinn Flynn", "Support Lead", "Edinburgh", "9497", "2013-03-03", "$342,000", "Examples"],
["Charde Marshall", "Regional Director", "San Francisco", "6741", "2008-10-16", "$470,600", "Examples"],
["Haley Kennedy", "Senior Marketing Designer", "London", "3597", "2012-12-18", "$313,500", "Examples"],
["Tatyana Fitzpatrick", "Regional Director", "London", "1965", "2010-03-17", "$385,750", "Examples"],
["Michael Silva", "Marketing Designer", "London", "1581", "2012-11-27", "$198,500", "Examples"],
["Paul Byrd", "Chief Financial Officer (CFO)", "New York", "3059", "2010-06-09", "$725,000", "Examples"],
["Gloria Little", "Systems Administrator", "New York", "1721", "2009-04-10", "$237,500", "Examples"],
["Bradley Greer", "Software Engineer", "London", "2558", "2012-10-13", "$132,000", "Examples"],
["Dai Rios", "Personnel Lead", "Edinburgh", "2290", "2012-09-26", "$217,500", "Examples"],
["Jenette Caldwell", "Development Lead", "New York", "1937", "2011-09-03", "$345,000", "Examples"],
["Yuri Berry", "Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)", "New York", "6154", "2009-06-25", "$675,000", "Examples"],
["Caesar Vance", "Pre-Sales Support", "New York", "8330", "2011-12-12", "$106,450", "Examples"],
["Doris Wilder", "Sales Assistant", "Sidney", "3023", "2010-09-20", "$85,600", "Examples"],
["Angelica Ramos", "Chief Executive Officer (CEO)", "London", "5797", "2009-10-09", "$1,200,000", "Examples"],
["Gavin Joyce", "Developer", "Edinburgh", "8822", "2010-12-22", "$92,575", "Examples"],
["Jennifer Chang", "Regional Director", "Singapore", "9239", "2010-11-14", "$357,650", "Examples"],
["Brenden Wagner", "Software Engineer", "San Francisco", "1314", "2011-06-07", "$206,850",
["Fiona Green", "Chief Operating Officer (COO)", "San Francisco", "2947", "2010-03-11", "$850,000",
["Shou Itou", "Regional Marketing", "Tokyo", "8899", "2011-08-14", "$163,000", "Examples"],
["Michelle House", "Integration Specialist", "Sidney", "2769", "2011-06-02", "$95,400", "Examples"],
["Suki Burks", "Developer", "London", "6832", "2009-10-22", "$114,500", "Examples"],
["Prescott Bartlett", "Technical Author", "London", "3606", "2011-05-07", "$145,000", "Examples"],
["Gavin Cortez", "Team Leader", "San Francisco", "2860", "2008-10-26", "$235,500", "Examples"],
["Martena Mccray", "Post-Sales support", "Edinburgh", "8240", "2011-03-09", "$324,050", "Examples"],
["Unity Butler", "Marketing Designer", "San Francisco", "5384", "2009-12-09", "$85,675", "Examples"]
data: dataSet,
columns: [{
title: "Name"
title: "Position"
title: "Office"
title: "Extn."
title: "Start date"
title: "Salary"
title: "Examples"
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Bubble Editor options
The Bubble Editor uses a basic default option for each table and also few options only available for this editor type.
Name | Type | Custom Value | Description |
bubblePositionX |
Number | 80 | Position X of bubble popover |
bubblePositionY |
Number | 0 | Position Y of bubble popover |
Name | Position | Office | Extn. | Start date | Salary | Examples |
Name | Position | Office | Extn. | Start date | Salary | Examples |
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<table id="ex4" class="table table-striped table-bordered" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<th>Start date</th>
<th>Start date</th>
let dataSet = [
["Tiger Nixon", "System Architect", "Edinburgh", "5421", "2011-04-25", "$320,800", "Examples"],
["Garrett Winters", "Accountant", "Tokyo", "8422", "2011-07-25", "$170,750", "Examples"],
["Ashton Cox", "Junior Technical Author", "San Francisco", "1562", "2009-01-12", "$86,000", "Examples"],
["Cedric Kelly", "Senior Javascript Developer", "Edinburgh", "6224", "2012-03-29", "$433,060", "Examples"],
["Airi", "Accountant", "Tokyo", "5407", "2008-11-28", "$162,700", "Examples"],
["Brielle Williamson", "Integration Specialist", "New York", "4804", "2012-12-02",
"$372,000", "Examples"
["Herrod Chandler", "Sales Assistant", "San Francisco", "9608", "2012-08-06", "$137,500", "Examples"],
["Rhona Davidson", "Integration Specialist", "Tokyo", "6200", "2010-10-14", "$327,900", "Examples"],
["Colleen Hurst", "Javascript Developer", "San Francisco", "2360", "2009-09-15", "$205,500", "Examples"],
["Sonya Frost", "Software Engineer", "Edinburgh", "1667", "2008-12-13", "$103,600", "Examples"],
["Jena Gaines", "Office Manager", "London", "3814", "2008-12-19", "$90,560", "Examples"],
["Quinn Flynn", "Support Lead", "Edinburgh", "9497", "2013-03-03", "$342,000", "Examples"],
["Charde Marshall", "Regional Director", "San Francisco", "6741", "2008-10-16", "$470,600", "Examples"],
["Haley Kennedy", "Senior Marketing Designer", "London", "3597", "2012-12-18", "$313,500", "Examples"],
["Tatyana Fitzpatrick", "Regional Director", "London", "1965", "2010-03-17", "$385,750", "Examples"],
["Michael Silva", "Marketing Designer", "London", "1581", "2012-11-27", "$198,500", "Examples"],
["Paul Byrd", "Chief Financial Officer (CFO)", "New York", "3059", "2010-06-09", "$725,000", "Examples"],
["Gloria Little", "Systems Administrator", "New York", "1721", "2009-04-10", "$237,500", "Examples"],
["Bradley Greer", "Software Engineer", "London", "2558", "2012-10-13", "$132,000", "Examples"],
["Dai Rios", "Personnel Lead", "Edinburgh", "2290", "2012-09-26", "$217,500", "Examples"],
["Jenette Caldwell", "Development Lead", "New York", "1937", "2011-09-03", "$345,000", "Examples"],
["Yuri Berry", "Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)", "New York", "6154", "2009-06-25", "$675,000", "Examples"],
["Caesar Vance", "Pre-Sales Support", "New York", "8330", "2011-12-12", "$106,450", "Examples"],
["Doris Wilder", "Sales Assistant", "Sidney", "3023", "2010-09-20", "$85,600", "Examples"],
["Angelica Ramos", "Chief Executive Officer (CEO)", "London", "5797", "2009-10-09", "$1,200,000", "Examples"],
["Gavin Joyce", "Developer", "Edinburgh", "8822", "2010-12-22", "$92,575", "Examples"],
["Jennifer Chang", "Regional Director", "Singapore", "9239", "2010-11-14", "$357,650", "Examples"],
["Brenden Wagner", "Software Engineer", "San Francisco", "1314", "2011-06-07", "$206,850",
["Fiona Green", "Chief Operating Officer (COO)", "San Francisco", "2947", "2010-03-11", "$850,000",
["Shou Itou", "Regional Marketing", "Tokyo", "8899", "2011-08-14", "$163,000", "Examples"],
["Michelle House", "Integration Specialist", "Sidney", "2769", "2011-06-02", "$95,400", "Examples"],
["Suki Burks", "Developer", "London", "6832", "2009-10-22", "$114,500", "Examples"],
["Prescott Bartlett", "Technical Author", "London", "3606", "2011-05-07", "$145,000", "Examples"],
["Gavin Cortez", "Team Leader", "San Francisco", "2860", "2008-10-26", "$235,500", "Examples"],
["Martena Mccray", "Post-Sales support", "Edinburgh", "8240", "2011-03-09", "$324,050", "Examples"],
["Unity Butler", "Marketing Designer", "San Francisco", "5384", "2009-12-09", "$85,675", "Examples"]
data: dataSet,
columns: [{
title: "Name"
title: "Position"
title: "Office"
title: "Extn."
title: "Start date"
title: "Salary"
title: "Examples"
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