React Bootstrap Date Picker
React Date Picker - Bootstrap 4 & Material Design
Note: We are transitioning MDB4 to a legacy version and focusing on developing MDB5.
While we'll continue to support for the transition period, we encourage you to migrate to
MDB5. We're offering a 50% discount on MDB5 PRO to help with your transition,
enabling you to leverage the full potential of the latest version. You can find more information here.
get 50% discount on MDB5 PRO
Basic example
import React from 'react';
import { MDBDatePicker } from 'mdbreact';
class DatePickerPage extends React.Component {
getPickerValue = (value) => {
render() {
<MDBDatePicker getValue={this.getPickerValue} />
export default DatePickerPage;
The picker can be extended to add support for internationalization. We use moment.locale
to change
import React from 'react';
import { MDBDatePicker } from 'mdbreact';
import moment from 'moment';
import 'moment/locale/fr';
class DatePickerPage extends React.Component {
getPickerValue = (value) => {
render() {
<MDBDatePicker cancelLabel="Effacer" locale={moment.locale('fr')} getValue={this.getPickerValue} />
export default DatePickerPage;
React Date picker - API
In this section you will find advanced information about the Date picker component. You will learn which modules are required in this component, what are the possibilities of configuring the component, and what events and methods you can use in working with it.
Import statement
import { DatePicker } from "mdbreact";
API Reference: Properties
The table below shows the configuration options of the MDBDatePicker component.
Name | Type | Default | Description | Example |
adornmentPosition |
String | end |
Specifies position of keyboard button adornment | <MDBDatePicker adornementPosition='start' /> |
allowKeyboardControl |
Boolean | true |
Enables keyboard listener for moving between days in calendar | <MDBDatePicker allowKeyboardControl={false} /> |
animateYearScrolling |
Boolean | false |
To animate scrolling to current year (with scrollIntoView) | <MDBDatePicker animateYearScrolling={true} /> |
autoOk |
Boolean | false |
Auto accept date on selection | <MDBDatePicker autoOk={true} /> |
cancelLabel |
String | Cancel |
"Cancel" label message | <MDBDatePicker cancelLabel='Cancel' /> |
className |
String |
Adds your custom classes to the wrapper | <MDBDatePicker className='custom-class'> |
clearable |
Boolean | false |
If true clear button will be displayed | <MDBDatePicker clearable={true} /> |
clearLabel |
String | Clear |
"Clear" label message | <MDBDatePicker clearLabel='Clear' /> |
disableFuture |
Boolean | false |
Disable future dates | <MDBDatePicker disableFuture={false} /> |
disableOpenOnEnter |
Boolean | false |
enables/disable automatic opening of the picker when the user clicks enter | <MDBDatePicker disableOpenOnEnter={false} /> |
disablePast |
Boolean | false |
Disable past dates | <MDBDatePicker disablePast={false} /> |
emptyLabel |
String | '' |
Message displaying in text field, if null passed (doesn't work in keyboard mode) | <MDBDatePicker emptyLabel='' /> |
format |
String | 'DD MMMM, YYYY' |
Date display format | <MDBDatePicker format='DD-MM-YYYY' /> |
initialFocusedDate |
String |
Initial focused date when calendar opens, if no value is provided | <MDBDatePicker initialFocusedDate='20.12.2020' /> |
InputAdornmentProps |
Object | {} |
Props to pass to keyboard input adornment | <MDBDatePicker InputAdornmentProps={} /> |
invalidDateMessage |
String | Invalid Date Format |
Message, appearing when date cannot be parsed | <MDBDatePicker invalidDateMessage='Bad format' /> |
invalidLabel |
String | Unknown |
Message displaying in text field, if date is invalid (doesn't work in keyboard mode) | <MDBDatePicker invalidLabel='Invalid label' /> |
keyboard |
Boolean | false |
On/off manual keyboard input mode | <MDBDatePicker keyboard /> |
keyboardIcon |
String | event |
Name of icon displayed for open picker button in keyboard mode | <MDBDatePicker keyboardIcon='event' /gt; |
leftArrowIcon |
String | 'keyboard_arrow_left' |
Left arrow icon | <MDBDatePicker leftArrowIcon='keyboard_arrow_left' /> |
mask |
any |
Input mask, used in keyboard mode | <MDBDatePicker mask={[/\d/, /\d/,'.', /\d/, /\d/,'.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]} /> |
maxDate |
String | '2100-01-01' |
Max selectable date | <MDBDatePicker maxDate='2020-12-24' /> |
maxDateMessage |
String | 'Date should not be after maximal date' |
Error message, shown if date is more then maximal date | <MDBDatePicker maxDateMessage='Max date' /> |
minDate |
String | '1900-01-01' |
Min selectable date | <MDBDatePicker minDate='1990-01-01' /> |
minDateMessage |
String | 'Date should not be before minimal date' |
Error message, shown if date is less then minimal date | <MDBDatePicker minDateMessage='Min date' /> |
okLabel |
String | ok |
"OK" button label | <MDBDatePicker okLabel='Nice' /> |
openToYearSelection |
Boolean | false |
Open MDBDatePicker from year selection | <MDBDatePicker openToYearSelection={true} /> |
rightArrowIcon |
String | 'keyboard_arrow_right' |
Right arrow icon | <MDBDatePicker rightArrowIcon='keyboard_arrow_right' /> |
showTodayButton |
Boolean | false |
If true today button will be displayed Note* that clear button has higher priority | <MDBDatePicker showTodayButton /> |
TextFieldComponent |
node | TextField |
Component that should replace the default Material TextField | <MDBDatePicker TextField='input' /> |
theme |
Object |
Property used to change color theme of the picker | <MDBDatePicker theme={{
palette: {
primary: {
main: '#ffbb33',
secondary: {
main: '#FF8800',
contrastText: '#ffcc00',
typography: {
useNextVariants: true,
}} /> |
todayLabel |
String | 'Today' |
"Today" label message | <MDBDatePicker todayLabel="It's today" /> |
locale |
Object |
Use moment to build object with your language and pass it here to change language. |
<MDBDatePicker locale={moment.locale('fr')} /> |
value |
instanceOf(Date) | null |
The value of the picker component (use with the controlled input element) | <MDBDatePicker value={this.state.pickerValue} onChange={this.handleChange} /> |
valueDefault |
instanceOf(Date) | new Date() |
The default value of the picker component (use with the uncontrolled input element) | <MDBDatePicker valueDefault={new Date("12.12.2012")} /> |
API Reference: Methods
Name | Parameters | Description | Example |
onInputChange |
In keyboard mode: returns event object on every picker input change. | <MDBDatePicker onInputChange={this.handleOnInput} /> |
getValue |
Returns updated picker value. | <MDBDatePicker getValue={this.handlePickerValue} /> |