React Bootstrap Sidenav MDB Pro component

React Sidenav - Bootstrap 4 & Material Design

Note: We are transitioning MDB4 to a legacy version and focusing on developing MDB5. While we'll continue to support for the transition period, we encourage you to migrate to MDB5. We're offering a 50% discount on MDB5 PRO to help with your transition, enabling you to leverage the full potential of the latest version. You can find more information here.
get 50% discount on MDB5 PRO

React Bootstrap sidenav is a vertical navigation component which apart from traditional, text links, might embed icons, dropdowns, avatars or search forms.

By virtue of its clarity and simplicity it remarkably increases User Experience. It allows you to navigate through small applications as well as vast portals swiftly. Multiple link embedding functionality enables you to implement more advanced content categorisation, which is almost essential within bigger projects.

Thanks to MDB you can easily implement SideNav in your own projects, by using one of various, alluring Side Menus.

Navigation on the left is a live demo of SideNav.

How it looks on a mobile device:

Basic usage

            import React from 'react';
            import { MDBIcon, MDBSideNavCat, MDBSideNavNav, MDBSideNav, MDBSideNavLink, MDBContainer, MDBRow, MDBBtn } from 'mdbreact';
            import { BrowserRouter as Router } from 'react-router-dom';
            class SideNavPage extends React.Component {
              state = {
                isOpen: false
              handleToggle = () => {
                  isOpen: !this.state.isOpen
              render() {
                const { isOpen } = this.state;
                return (
                        <MDBBtn onClick={this.handleToggle}><MDBIcon icon="bars" size="5x" /></MDBBtn>
                        className="deep-purple darken-4"
                          <ul className="social">
                              <a href="#!">
                                <MDBIcon fab icon="facebook-f" />
                              <a href="#!">
                                <MDBIcon fab icon="pinterest" />
                              <a href="#!">
                                <MDBIcon fab icon="google-plus-g" />
                              <a href="#!">
                                <MDBIcon fab icon="twitter" />
                            name="Submit blog"
                            <MDBSideNavLink>Submit listing</MDBSideNavLink>
                            <MDBSideNavLink>Registration form</MDBSideNavLink>
                            <MDBSideNavLink>For bloggers</MDBSideNavLink>
                            <MDBSideNavLink>For authors</MDBSideNavLink>
                          <MDBSideNavCat name="About" id="about" icon="eye">
                            <MDBSideNavLink>Monthly meetings</MDBSideNavLink>
                          <MDBSideNavCat name="Contact me" id="contact-me" iconRegular icon="envelope">
                            <MDBSideNavLink>Write a message</MDBSideNavLink>
            export default SideNavPage;

Slim side-nav

            import React, { Component } from "react";
            import { BrowserRouter as Router } from "react-router-dom";
            import { MDBSideNavCat, MDBSideNavNav, MDBSideNav, MDBSideNavLink, MDBContainer, MDBIcon, MDBBtn } from "mdbreact";
            class SideNavPage extends Component {
              state = {
                sideNavLeft: false,
            sidenavToggle = sidenavId => () => {
              const sidenavNr = `sideNav${sidenavId}`
                [sidenavNr]: !this.state[sidenavNr]
            render() {
                return (
                      <MDBBtn onClick={this.sidenavToggle("Left")}>
                        <MDBIcon size="lg" icon="bars" />
                      <MDBSideNav slim fixed mask="rgba-blue-strong" triggerOpening={this.state.sideNavLeft} breakWidth={1300}
                          <div className="logo-wrapper sn-ad-avatar-wrapper">
                            <a href="#!">
                              <img alt="" src="" className="rounded-circle" />
                              <span>Anna Deynah</span>
                          <MDBSideNavLink to="/other-page" topLevel>
                            <MDBIcon icon="pencil-alt" className="mr-2" />Submit listing</MDBSideNavLink>
                          <MDBSideNavCat name="Submit blog" id="submit-blog" icon="chevron-right">
                            <MDBSideNavLink>Submit listing</MDBSideNavLink>
                            <MDBSideNavLink>Registration form</MDBSideNavLink>
                          <MDBSideNavCat name="Instruction" id="instruction" icon="hand-pointer" href="#">
                            <MDBSideNavLink>For bloggers</MDBSideNavLink>
                            <MDBSideNavLink>For authors</MDBSideNavLink>
                          <MDBSideNavCat name="About" id="about" icon="eye">
                            <MDBSideNavLink>Monthly meetings</MDBSideNavLink>
                          <MDBSideNavCat name="Contact me" id="contact-me" icon="envelope">
                            <MDBSideNavLink>Write a message</MDBSideNavLink>
            export default SideNavPage;

SideNav examples

Click on the images below to see live preview

React Sidenav - API

In this section you will find advanced information about the SideNav component. You will find out which modules are required, what are the possibilities of configuring the component, and what events and methods you can use to work with it.


In order to use SideNav component make sure you have imported proper module first.

          import React from 'react';
          import {
          } from 'mdbreact';

API Reference: SideNav Properties

The table below shows the configuration options of the MDBSideNav component.

Name Type Default Description Example
bg String Sets image from provided url as SideNav's background <MDBSideNav bg="your/image/url" />
slim Boolean false Makes the sidenav slim <MDBSideNav slim />
fixed Boolean false Makes the sidenav fixed and removes the transitions. <MDBSideNav fixed />
showOverlay Boolean true Decides whether or not the overlay should be rendered <MDBSideNav showOverlay={false} />
responsive Boolean true Adds a responsive behaviour to the fixed sidenav. It collapses fixed sidebar when the with is less than the width defined by breakWidth prop <MDBSideNav responsive={false} />
breakWidth Number 1400 The screen width under which the SideNav will be hidden by default <MDBSideNav breakWidth={900} />
className String Sets custom classes <MDBSideNav className="customClass" />
hidden Boolean false SideNav is fixed to the left screen edge by default, use hidden prop to hide component <MDBSideNav hidden />
href String # This url will be attached to SideNav logo <MDBSideNav href="" />
logo String Url to your logo <MDBSideNav logo="logo/url" />
mask String Adds mask on the SideNav background image, use combined with bg and skins, accepts ['slight', 'light', 'strong'] <MDBSideNav bg="your/image/url" mask="strong" />
right Boolean false Fixes SideNav to the right side of the screen <MDBSideNav right />
triggerOpening Boolean SideNav toggles accordingly to this property (openes/closes on change) <MDBSideNav triggerOpening={this.state.toggleSideNav} />
openNav false Render opened SideNav at page load <MDBSideNav openNav />
tag String div Changes default SideNav tag <MDBSideNav tag="div" />

API Reference: SideNav Methods

Name Parameters Description Example
onOverlayClick event Method which is called when SideNav overlay is clicked (SideNav closes <MDBSideNav onOverlayClick={this.sideNavCloseHandler} >

API Reference: SideNavNav Properties

The table below shows the configuration options of the MDBSideNavNav component.

Name Type Default Description Example
className String Sets custom classes <MDBSideNavNav className="customClass" />
tag String ul Changes default SideNavNav tag <MDBSideNavNav tag="ol" />
toggleNavLabel String Minimize menu Changes default SideNavNav toggle button text. <MDBSideNavNav toggleNavLabel="Hide menu" />

API Reference: SideNavCat Properties

The table below shows the configuration options of the MDBSideNavCat component.

Name Type Default Description Example
className String Sets custom classes <MDBSideNavCat className="customClass" />
disabled Boolean false Disables element from being clicked <MDBSideNavCat disabled />
icon String Adds font-awesome icon <MDBSideNavCat icon="caret-right" />
iconBrand Boolean false Use this property to set brand icon (fab) <MDBSideNavCat icon="twitter" iconBrand />
iconClassName String Adds custom classes to icon element <MDBSideNavCat icon="envelope" iconClassName="customClass" />
iconLight Boolean false Use this property to set light icon (fal) <MDBSideNavCat icon="twitter" iconLight />
iconRegular Boolean false Use this property to set regular icon (far) <MDBSideNavCat icon="twitter" iconRegular />
iconSize String Sets icon size <MDBSideNavCat icon="pencil-alt" size="5x" />
id String Sets element's id <MDBSideNavCat id="catOne" />
name String Sets inner text <MDBSideNavCat name="Example name" />
tag String li Changes default tag <MDBSideNavCat tag="li" />