React Bootstrap Full Calendar
React Full Calendar - Bootstrap 4 & Material Design
Note: We are transitioning MDB4 to a legacy version and focusing on developing MDB5.
While we'll continue to support for the transition period, we encourage you to migrate to
MDB5. We're offering a 50% discount on MDB5 PRO to help with your transition,
enabling you to leverage the full potential of the latest version. You can find more information here.
get 50% discount on MDB5 PRO
Thanks to this plugin you will be able to easily create new events, manage current events, move existing events between other days, and integrate with your Google Calendar.
To see the list of all properties and methods of the plugin see "API" tab on this page.
Basic Example
A few predefined events allowing you to see how the plugin looks like.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import MDBFullCalendar from 'mdb-react-calendar';
import { addHours, addDays, addWeeks, startOfWeek } from 'date-fns';
const today = new Date();
class App extends Component {
state = {
tasks: [
id: 'task1',
title: 'Today',
startDate: new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0),
endDate: new Date().setHours(23, 59, 59),
color: 'danger',
dark: true,
link: true,
to: 'test',
id: 'task2',
title: 'Today',
startDate: new Date().setDate(2),
endDate: new Date().setDate(15),
color: 'info',
link: true,
to: 'test1',
id: 'task3',
title: 'Task name',
startDate: new Date().setDate(2),
endDate: new Date().setDate(15),
color: 'warning',
dark: true,
link: true,
to: 'test2',
render() {
const arrOfObjects = [
{ color: 'elegant-color', title: 'Test', dark: true },
{ color: 'danger-color', title: 'Test1', dark: false },
{ color: 'warning-color', title: 'Meeting', dark: false },
{ color: 'success-color', title: 'Home', dark: false },
{ color: 'info-color', title: 'Lunch', dark: false },
{ color: 'default-color', title: 'Something', dark: false },
{ color: 'primary-color', title: 'Pool', dark: false },
{ color: 'secondary-color', title: 'Footbal', dark: true },
return <MDBFullCalendar colors={arrOfObjects} tasks={this.state.tasks} btnSizes='sm' />;
export default App;
React Full Calendar - API
In this section you will find advanced information about the Full Calendar plugin. You will find out which modules are required, what are the possibilities of configuring the plugin, and what events and methods you can use to work with it.
This plugin requires a purchase.
Buy React Calendar Plugin
import React from 'react';
import MDBFullCalendar from 'mdb-react-calendar';
"mdbreact": "^4.15.0",
"react-router-dom": "^5.0.1"
To start using Full Calendar, just simply render the
component. You can use the plugin as
controlled component: attach your tasks data from state and update it with
Plugin uses date-fns package for DateTime formating.
tasks: [ { id: String, title: String, startDate: instanceOf(Date),
endDate: instanceOf(Date), color: String ('info' | 'success' | 'warning' |
'danger' | 'primary' | 'secondary') }, ... ]
API Reference: FullCalendar Properties
The table below shows the configuration options of the FullCalendar component.
Name | Type | Default | Description | Example |
addTaskTitle |
String | Add task |
Default label for Add task button in task dialog. |
<FullCalendar addTaskTitle="OK" />
alertModalMsg |
String |
Task's endDate must be after startDate!
Message displayed when the user set wrong end date. |
<FullCalendar alertModalMsg="You can do better!" />
confirmDeleteMsg |
String |
Are you sure you want to delete this task?
Message displayed when the user wants to delete task. |
<FullCalendar confirmDeleteMsg="Shall I do it?" />
controlLabels |
Array(String) |
['Today', 'Month', 'Week', 'List']
Labels of control buttons. |
<FullCalendar controlLabels={['Dziś', 'Miesiąc', 'Tydzień',
'Lista']} />
editTaskTitle |
String | Edit task |
Title of edit task modal. |
<FullCalendar editTaskTitle="Make some edition" />
listFormat |
String | hh:mma |
DateTime format of the list view; plugin uses date-fns |
<FullCalendar listFormat="HH:mm" />
locale |
Object | enLocale |
date-fns locale for DateTime formats (day & month names).
import enLocale from 'date-fns/locale/en';
<FullCalendar locale={enLocale} />
modalControlLabels |
Array(String) |
['Delete', 'Close', 'Add']
Labels of modal control buttons. |
<FullCalendar modalControlLabels={['Remove', 'Back', 'Do
it!']} />
modalFormLabels |
Array(String) |
['Title', 'Start', 'End', 'Color']
Labels of modal form inputs. |
<FullCalendar modalFormLabels={['Title', 'Start', 'End',
'Color']} />
startDate |
instanceOf(Date) | new Date() |
Sets the start/today global date of the calendar. |
<FullCalendar startDate={new Date()} />
tasks |
Array(Object) | [] |
List of tasks stored in an object structure; see
Usage section
<FullCalendar tasks={this.state.tasks} />
weekFormat |
String | ha |
DateTime format of the week view; plugin uses date-fns |
<FullCalendar weekFormat="HH:mm" />
disableEvents |
boolean | false |
Set to true to make calendar read-only. |
<FullCalendar disableEvents />
btnSizes |
string | '' |
Set sizes to switch buttons. |
<FullCalendar btnSizes="sm" />
btnSizesClassName |
string | '' |
Set className to switch buttons. |
<FullCalendar btnSizesClassName="yourClass" />
btnSizesColorsMonthWeekList |
array | '' |
Set colors to switch month/week buttons. |
<FullCalendar btnSizesColorsMonthWeekList={['danger','warning', 'primary']}
btnSizesColorsToday |
array | '' |
Set colors to switch today buttons. |
<FullCalendar btnSizesColorsToday={['danger','warning', 'primary']}
API Reference: FullCalendar Methods
Name | Parameters | Description | Example |
onChange |
Returns updated list of tasks. |
<FullCalendar onChange={this.handleTasksUpdate} >